Title: Fingerprinting
By: Perpetual Motion
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Disclaimer: If they were mine I'd have Warrick tied down and be very, very happy.
Author's Notes: Minor, all dialogue weirdness. If you've read any of my WW stuff, you'll be used to this.
Summary: It's edible fingerprint powder. Use your imagination. See if the story helps.

"You realize this is weird."

"Hold still, Nickey."

"Gil, that tickles."

"Hold still."

"You know, I've never dated anyone who's gotten off on this."

"And now you have, and you won't ever date anyone else who will."

"Yes, Sir. Gil! You are not dusting there!"

"Sure I am."


"Thought you'd enjoy that."


"Don't worry, Nickey, I'll lick it clean."

"Yeaah. Where the hell did you get flavored, edible fingerprint powder, anyway?"

"My own invention."

"Of course."

"Of course."

"Gil, I get to check you for fingerprints after this."