Title: Ghostly Admirer
From the Smut Tales
Author: Mara
Summary: Halloween Special, Warrick gets some ghostly attention.
Rating: FRAO
Disclaimer: All the characters and names found here in are the property of Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS. No copyright infringements are intended and the names are used here without permission.
Warrick was having a bad day. It seemed he'd had several bad days in a row. For awhile he thought his lover was trying to play tricks on him. He wouldn't put it past Gil. His boyfriend had a warped sense of humor. For the forth day straight, Warrick went to retrieve his car keys from the hall table. As usual, they were gone. This was ridiculous. Warrick knew he'd left his keys there. The day before he had found them in the refrigerator and the day before that they were in the medicine cabinet. The first day they went missing, Warrick had looked everywhere and finally found them in a potted plant, on the windowsill. Warrick had had enough!
"Gil! Where the fuck are my keys? This ain't funny no more. Damn it, I'm gonna be late. You'd better give me my keys right now or there's gonna be hell to pay."
"Rick, will you please be calm. I haven't got your keys. I swear! I didn't have them yesterday or the day before or the day before that. Are you sure you left them on the hall table?"
"God damn it. Yes, I'm sure. I know what the fuck I do with my stuff. Everything has its place. My keys go in the mosaic box on the damn hall table. This is crazy! Shit just don't disappear."
"Easy now, love. Will find them. Come on, let's start looking."
Fifteen minutes later, Warrick's keys were located -- under his pillow, no less. With an exasperated sigh, Warrick kissed Gil goodbye and headed for work. When he arrived his eyes still held the fire of his fury. That told Nick -- his best bud was pissed. Nick could always tell when Warrick was angry; sometimes just by the way he walked. However, today there was no doubt because his eyes said it all.
"What's up Bro? You look like you want to strangle somebody."
"Yeah, that ain't no lie. I just don't know who to strangle, but if I did they'd be dead already."
"Whoa, man. What's got you so riled up? Don't tell me you and Gris had a fight, cause I know you'd never leave for work without making up with him first."
"No, we didn't have a fight, not exactly. Weird shits been happening at home. My fuckin keys have up and disappeared, four days in a row. Gil swears he ain't touched them and I don't think he'd lie about it. Today I found them under my pillow. I've found them in the fridge, the medicine cabinet and even in a potted plant. It's starting to freak me out."
"Hmm, maybe you got a ghost. You guys just moved into that place. What do you know about the history of the house?"
"Man, are you serious? It ain't haunted."
"How do ya know? Did you and Gil research the house before you bought it?"
"No, we didn't, but the previous owner seemed perfectly happy there."
"So why'd she want to sell?"
"Because she retired and moved to Florida -- to be near her son."
"Well, shit moving on it's own sounds pretty bizarre to me. It sounds supernatural. I think you ought to call in some help."
"Who am I going to call -- the Ghost Busters? Maybe I could call in those two plumbers -- that investigates ghosts as a side-line."
"Hey, that's an idea. They gotta Website, ya know?"
"Forget it. Sometimes you are no help at all."
"Ok, but I still think it sounds ghostly to me."
"Yeah, well, if I'm gonna ask anyone for help, it'll be my Grams. She knows stuff. So, I'll see what she thinks first."
"Sounds like a plan. You want me to come over after shift and have a look around. Gil will be here and you'll be all alone. BOO!"
"What, you think I'm scared? I ain't afraid of no ghost, but yeah, you can come over for a beer and we'll hang for awhile."
"Ain't afraid of no ghost. Right!"
"Shut up."
After shift ended Warrick stopped by Gils office to let him know he was taking Nick home with him. Warrick told Gil about Nick's haunted house theory. Warrick wasn't happy with the smirk he was getting from Gil and told him so, in no uncertain terms, before leaving.
Beer's in hand Warrick and Nick started looking around the house. The first place Nick looked was under Warrick and Gil's bed.
"No monsters under here, man."
"Like you expected there would be?"
"No, but it doesn't hurt to be sure."
"Nick, there are no monsters and no ghosts. So, lets go watch the tube."
"Great, there's a late night episode of Ghost Hunters on Sci-Fi."
"You have got to be kidding? I am not watching that. Get over it."
"You're such a brat. It's no wonder you're being haunted."
"Come on, sit down and relax. We'll watch ESPN."
"Sounds exciting. Hey, maybe we can get the ghost riled up. I've been thinking. It keeps stealing your keys, so maybe it doesn't want you to leave. Maybe it's got a thing for you. Maybe it's in love. I'll bet we could piss it off, if we tried."
"Nicky, you're fuckin stupid. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard. What ya got in mind?"
Nick leaned over and whispered in Warrick's ear, "I think you should kiss me and see what it stirs up."
"Shit, that's your plan? The only thing it'll stir up is a jealous rage from a very live Gil."
"Well, I won't tell him and it's not like it'd be real or anything."
With that in mind, Warrick grabbed Nick by the shirt and hauled him closer. He leaned down and kissed Nick on the mouth -- even going so far as to shove his tongue inside. Nick gasped, squirmed and almost came in his pants. Warrick smirked, very pleased with himself. Just then they heard a noise coming from the kitchen. It sounded like dishes rattling. They got up to investigate and to their surprise found several plates lying on the floor, completely unbroken. Nick was still wiping sweat from his brow when the kitchen light went out. Fortunately it blinked right back on. Warrick looked around in disbelief.
"Man, this is too weird. I'm beginning to think this place really is haunted."
"See, I told ya and what the fuck just happened? Where did you learn to kiss like that? Ya know, I thought I was going to come," Nick said with a blush.
"Ah, that was just a little payback, babe. You deserved it for calling me chicken."
"I can certainly see why Gil is always smiling, nowadays. If he ever decides to leave you -- you let me know, ok? I'll come running."
"Yeah Nick, I'll keep that in mind, but right now we've got bigger problems, like why do I have plates on my kitchen floor?"
"Don't know, but I thinks it's time to call Grams."
"Hmm, ok, I'll call her tomorrow when I get up."
"You're gonna sleep here, alone? I don't think that's a good idea."
"What would you suggest?"
"Come home with me."
"Right, explain that one to Gil."
"Call him. Tell him weird shits going on and you're staying at my place."
"I already told you, I ain't afraid of no ghost and Gil would not be pleased. Trust me."
"Fine, but I'm getting the hell out of here. See ya, Bro."
"Now who's chicken?"
"I'm not chicken. I'm just tired. See ya tomorrow. Bye."
"You're full of shit, Nick," Warrick shouted as Nick fled the premises.
Warrick tidied up, put the dishes back in the drainer and went to take a shower. When he exited the bathroom he noticed that something about the bedroom didn't seem quite right. Then he looked at the nightstand on his side of the bed. Gil's picture was missing. Warrick began franticly looking for it. It was there when he'd went to work. He was sure of it, but the picture was nowhere to be found. Warrick wasn't really scared, but he was furious. That was his favorite picture of Gil. Warrick sat down on the bed, trying to calm himself. He thought for a few moments before picking up the phone and dialing Gil's cell phone.
"Hey, babe. Did you move your picture? The one I keep on my nightstand? It's missing."
"No. Why would I move it?"
"Well, fuck. I don't know? It's gone and I can't find it. Some weird stuff happened when Nick was here too."
"We we're watching TV when we heard noises in the kitchen. (Warrick didn't mention the kissing part.) We went to see what it was and there were plates lying on the floor. They weren't broke or nothin‘. Then the kitchen light went out for a second, but it came right back on. Nick said it was definitely a ghost and bolted. Now the damn picture is missing. What next? I'm calling Grams tomorrow. I'm getting her over her to see if she can sense anything and if you don't like it -- too bad."
"Easy, sweetheart. If you feel the need to have your Grams come over and check the place out -- I don't have a problem with it. I'm sure the picture will turn up. Don't worry. Try to get some sleep. I love you and if anything else happens call me or leave and go to Nick's. Ok?"
"Ok, babe. I love you too. I'll see ya when ya get home."
"Bye, love."
The next day Warrick awoke to his very own Gil blanket. Warrick nuzzled his way in a little closer and let out a contented sigh. It was now late morning and everything was clearer by the light of day. Warrick chastised himself for being so foolish. There were simply no such things as ghosts. Warrick rolled over to check the time and was thunder struck by Gils picture smiling at him. He was not going to panic. Gil must have found it and put it back. That was it. Warrick was positive. Warrick rolled back over, snuggled up to his lover and fell asleep, once more.
"Well, sleeping beauty finally awakes. You must have been beat. You're usually up way before me."
"Yeah, I was kinda beat." Thanks for finding it."
"Finding what?"
"The picture. You found it and put it back. Didn't you?"
"Ah, no."
"No. Then where'd it come from? Cause it sure as shit wasn't there last night. This is just to damn weird. Was it there when you came in this morning?"
"I honestly don't know. I really didn't notice. Maybe you were so tired last night that you couldn't focus and just thought it was gone."
"You think I'm losing my fuckin mind," Warrick shouted.
"No, honey. I don't think that. If you say it was missing then it was missing."
"Don't patronize me Gil Grissom. I'm not a child and Nick saw it too. He said it was a ghost and I believe he‘s right. I started thinking about the lady that used to live here. Remember she said that the rose bushes in the front yard hadn't bloomed in years. If you recall, they came into full bloom two days after we moved in. Didn't you think that was strange?"
"Honey, there could be a very scientific explanation for that. It's been a bit wetter this year and that might have caused the roses to bloom."
"Well, how do you explain the dishes on the kitchen floor?"
"They could have just fallen out of the dish drainer. That's not too far fetched."
"And they didn't break. My keys just decided to get up and walk away -- all by themselves. Sure!"
"All right, it's a bit strange, I'll have to admit, but there is no ghost. There has got to be a logical explanation. We just have to find it."
"You find it. I'm calling my Grams. She'll know what to do."
"Have it your way, if it will make you feel better. I want you to be happy and comfortable in our home, but I really don't want to have to sell it. I really like this house."
"I like it too. It's a really nice house, but it's weird and gives off strange vibrations. The bed shakes subtly. Hell, the whole fuckin house vibrates. Haven't you ever felt it?"
"Yes, but I thought it was you rolling over in your sleep."
"I don't shake the bed when I roll over. You should know that by now."
"I guess you're right."
"Please, tell me your not going in to work tonight. I really don't want to spend my night off alone in this house."
"No, Babe. I'm not going in tonight. It's our night together, besides I finished up all the paperwork last night. You've got me all to yourself."
"Great! I'm going to grab a shower and call Grams. Be back in a jiff."
"Do we have time for a quickie?"
"No. You'll just have to wait until after Grams leaves. I've got plans for you and there's no quickies involved."
"Can't wait."
Warrick called his Grams as soon as he got out of the shower. He explained to her about the strange things that had been going on. He even told her Nick's theory about the ghost having a thing for him. She told Warrick that it was possible, but she needed to come over and have a look around. So Warrick told Gil he was going to go pick her up and maybe they could persuade her to have dinner with them. Gil said he'd start dinner while he was off picking up Grams.
As soon as Warrick left, Gil went into the kitchen to put some water on to boil. He had decided to make spaghetti. Gil went over to the stove and turned on the front burner. As soon as he did the gas flared up and singed his arm. Gil jumped back out of the way. He looked at the stove again and the fire was perfectly normal -- so Gil grabbed the pasta cooker and gingerly sat it on the burner. He then went into the bathroom and put some burn cream on his arm. When he came out of the bathroom he noticed that his picture was face down on Warrick's nightstand. Ok, he was spooked. Warrick was right. Weird shit was happening, but what could they do about it. He'd just have to wait and see what Grams had to say.
"Gil, We're back."
"Hello, Grams. How are you?"
"Hello, Gil. I'm just fine. I hope you've been taking good care of my boy."
"I try my best, Grams, but Warrick can be stubborn at times."
"Oh you don't have to tell me. After all, I raised him."
"Hey, I don't think Gil's the right person to be talking about being stubborn."
"Ricky's been telling me some of the strange things that have been going on. Have you experienced anything unusual?"
"Nothing ever happens when Gil's here."
"Ah, that's not the case anymore."
"Why? Did something happen while I was gone?"
"Yes. It was a bit strange. When I turned on the stove the gas flared up and burned my Arm."
"God, Babe. Are you ok?"
"Yes, love. I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about, but that wasn't all. When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed that my picture was laying face down on your nightstand. Did you knock it over?"
"No, I didn't. It was upright when I left."
"Hmm, this is odd, indeed. I'm going to have myself a look around. Try to be quiet boys and Ricky; don't follow me around. I need to concentrate."
"Yes, Grams."
Grams took a good look around. She checked every room in the house. She could sense some odd vibrations, emanating from the house. She was also able to detect a cold spot in Warrick and Gil's bedroom. The kitchen also seemed to have some activity in it, as well. The sensations she felt were not necessarily malevolent. However, there did seem to be some underlying hostility, but it didn't seem to be directed at Warrick. Grams made one more walk-through, before talking to Warrick and Gil, who were waiting patiently on the couch.
"Well, boys, I believe that your house does have some supernatural activity. I was able to detect a presence. Your bedroom has a cold spot and the entire house vibrates. The kitchen is very active, as well. I don't think the entity is evil. I think that Nick was correct. The entity seems to have fixated on Ricky. I believe it's enamored with him. There does seem to be some hostility, though. It's possible that it's jealous and wants Gil gone, but I don't think you'll need an exorcism. I'm sure all you need is the house blessed by a Pastor. I can have my Pastor do it, if you like. I'll also have him give the entity a gentle nudge to leave. Can you tell me anything about the house? Did anyone die here?"
"I don't know, Grams."
"Ah, actually, someone did die in the house. About thirty years ago a man was shot to death in this house."
"And you're just now telling me this? That's a hell of a thing to keep to yourself!"
"Language, Ricky."
"Sorry, Grams."
"Well, I didn't think it was important and the lady we bought it from was very happy here. She never mentioned anything about strange happenings. So I never thought any more about it. I only know about the shooting because she mentioned it in passing. It didn't seem to bother her -- so why should it bother us?"
"It's possible the entity was dormant, while she lived her. It maybe had no interest in her and only awakened when you and Ricky moved in. Maybe Ricky triggered something in the entity and it now wants him for his own."
"That's just too bizarre. Do you really think we can get rid of it?"
"Yes, or at least put it back to sleep. I'll return tomorrow with the Pastor. He'll bless every room in the house and all around the property. Everything will be fine. So, Ricky if you'll give me a ride home, I'll set up the appointment with the Pastor."
"Don't you want to stay for dinner? I'm making spaghetti."
"I'd love to dear, but I've got a bridge game this evening and I've got to get home and set it up. Next time. I promise."
"We'll hold you to that"
"Come on, Gil, let's get Grams home."
"I've got to watch the sauce."
"Shut everything off. I'm not leaving you alone in this house. No arguments!"
"Pushy, isn't he?"
"He's always been that way. You'll just have to live with it."
"I don't have a choice. Rick's the love of my life."
"Likewise, babe."
"Let's hit the road."
After Warrick and Gil retuned, they managed to get through dinner without incident. Warrick left Gil to finish the cleanup. He had plans and he needed to put them into action. He entered the bedroom and started lighting candles. Then he began strewing a path of rose petals from the door all the way into the bathroom -- where he then lit more candles. His final prep was to lay a large ostrich feather and some massage oil on the nightstand Warrick then stripped out of his cloths and yelled for Gil.
Gil had just finished loading the dishwasher -- when he heard his lover calling him. He pushed the on switch and headed for the bedroom. Gil was impressed. The room was all aglow with warm candlelight. He followed the trail of rose petals leading into the bathroom. The room was filled with steam and soft candlelight. Just then Warrick stuck his head out of the shower and drawled seductively, "Care to join me, lover?"
"That's the best offer I've had in a week." Gil stripped at record speed and joined Warrick in the shower. When the slow kissing started -- Gil was rock hard in seconds. It had been too long since he and Warrick last made love. (yesterday) Gil was ready to go, but Warrick was taking his sweet time. He lavished every inch of Gil's body with gentle kisses. Then he began nipping lightly at sensitive areas. Warrick swirled his tongue around Gil's hard nipple and gently bit down.
"Oh God, Rick, I'm so ready. Please!"
"Patience, Love. We've got all night."
Warrick pulled back and began washing Gil all over. When he ran a soapy finger up and down Gil's cleft -- Gil let out a strangled groan. He then reached around and washed Gil's hard shaft, using just enough pressure to slowly drive Gil insane. When he finished he handed the body-wash to Gil and smirked. Gil preformed the same procedure on his lover, with one small variance. He gently slipped a finger inside Warrick's tight passage and slid it slowly back and forth -- just grazing Warrick's prostate. "Fuck, that feels so good. Damn it, Gil you're making me crazy."
"Patience, Ricky. We've got all night."
"That's low, using my own words against me."
"I know."
"I think it's time we moved this party to the bedroom."
"Works for me."
Warrick dove in for one long hot kiss before pulling Gil out of the shower. They dried each other off with big fluffy bath towels and kissed each other senseless all the way to the bed. They fell on to it still kissing and gasping for air and When Gil was finally able to open his eyes again -- he noticed the feather and the massage oil.
"Is that for me?" Gil questioned.
"All for you, babe."
"Do you want me to roll over?"
"No, babe. You stay on your back and just relax."
Warrick picked up the bottle of massage oil and poured some into his hands. He warmed the oil a little, rubbing it gently around in his palms. Then he started massaging Gil's forearms and biceps. Gil's breathing was slow and steady as he enjoyed the massage. Warrick started working his way down the shoulders and across Gil's chest. He paused to give a quick pinch to the nipples under his palms. This caused Gil to let out a small moan. Warrick continued his journey, rubbing oil onto Gil's stomach and twirling his fingers around Gil's belly button. Gil's breathing picked up as Warrick's hands continued moving south.
Gil let out a disappointed sigh as Warrick moved from his navel and began the massage on the tops of his thighs. Warrick oiled Gil's legs and then moved to massage his inner thighs. Gil's only response was a series of moans and sighs. Warrick moved down to the calves and finally the feet. Using soft touches he worked oil into the souls of Gil's feet. By now he had reduced Gil to a squirming mass under his hands. Gil was trying desperately not to giggle.
Warrick abruptly stopped the massage and slid his naked form up the slick body of his lover. He gave Gil a passionate kiss and then withdrew before Gil could respond. The only sounds in the room were heavy breathing and the occasional whimper. Warrick picked up the large feather and settled himself at Gil's feet.
Warrick began to draw the feather across the arch of one foot, drawing a slight twitch from Gil. The feather made it's way up one of Gil's inner thighs and lightly touched his cock. By now Gil was almost panting. Warrick continued tickling his inner thigh until Gil's pants turned to whimpers. Warrick moved the feather ever so softly across Gil's hipbone. Warrick smirked; he knew Gil was close to begging. Gil had stopped being coherent when the tickling began and he was more than ready to beg.
"Jesus, Rick. Please, please. I need.... Ah.
"What do you need, baby? What do you want?"
"Oh, I...want to be inside you, please?"
"All ya had to do was ask."
Warrick rolled to Gil's side and pulled the older man on top of him. The kiss was powerful and seductive. Warrick ground his hard throbbing cock against Gil and whispered softly, "Take me, Gil"
Gil grabbed the massage oil and poured a generous amount into his palm. He then rubbed the tips of his fingers around Warrick's puckered opening. He eased one finger inside and began sliding it back and forth. When he withdrew and inserted a second finger, Warrick's hips rose off the bed as Gil's finger found the hard nub inside. Warrick was now the one who was incoherent. He couldn't stand the torture anymore. Warrick Cried, "Now, Gil. Now, please, now!"
Gil gave up a little giggle as he spread Warrick's legs wide. In one long stroke he penetrated his lover. His thrusts were shallow at first and agonizingly slow. Warrick was making nonsensical noises by the time Gil finally increased his speed. He began pounding in hard and fast, raking Warrick's prostate with every pass. He stroked his lover's cock as he thrust in deeper and deeper. Before Gil even knew what was happing, Warrick screamed his release -- his hot passage clamping tight around Gil's cock. Gil thrust twice more before succumbing to his own orgasm.
"Oh, fuck! Jesus, that was incredible. God, I love you, Gil. I love you more than anything."
"Baby, I love you too. You are so beautiful. You're my whole world."
They didn't have much time to bask in the afterglow because the bed started to shake violently. In fact everything in the room was shaking. Warrick and Gil looked around wide-eyed. Gil thought it was an earthquake until he saw a candle floating in midair. When the lamp on Gil's side of the bed tipped over and almost hit Gil in the head -- Warrick went ballistic!
Warrick shouted, "God damn it! Mother Fucker! Stop this shit right now!! If you hurt my man, there's not gonna be any part of hell you can hide in! I'll have your God forsaken soul exorcised so fast -- you won't know what hit you! I don't give a shit if this used to be your house. It's ours now and I don't have a problem with you staying here as long as you behave yourself. Try and hurt my man and then we've got a big problem!"
Warrick was shaking with rage and Gil was staring at him opened mouth, but the phenomenon had abruptly stopped. Everything went deathly quiet and a cold breeze blew past Warrick and Gil -- exiting the bedroom. It took a few seconds for Warrick to get his bearings. He was still very angry, but he finally ventured a look at Gil. Gil was now smiling at him, almost grinning.
"What? Jesus, I think you scared the shit out of it."
"Well, that's what I was trying to do. Are you ok?"
"Ya, babe. I'm fine. How about you?"
"Ya, I'm good, just pissed as hell."
"I think we'd better straighten up the mess before we go to sleep."
"We should make asshole clean it up. After all, Casper's the one that made this mess."
"That's probably too much to ask for."
"I suppose so."
They cleaned up and settled down into one another's arms, whispering sweet words of love until they both drifted off to sleep. However, Warrick did notice just before he fell asleep that the bed was no longer vibrating.
The next morning came bright and sunny. The bedroom even seemed a little warmer than it had in the past. Warrick could smell the coffee brewing and knew Gil was already up. He rolled over and came in contact with another warm body. Warrick raised his head and looked at his sleeping lover. He nudged Gil gently and said, "When did you make coffee, babe? Gil cocked one eye open and looked at him funny.
"I didn't. I haven't been out of bed."
"Well, somebody did. Can't you smell it?"
"I can now. I guess we better have a look."
They climbed out of bed and made their way to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a full pot of coffee and a single red rose lay beside the coffee maker.
"That's curious. I guess the ghost is trying to apologize."
"Are you sure you didn't do this? If you did you better tell me."
"I swear I didn't."
"Hmm, maybe it thinks I'm really going to have it exorcised. It's probably trying to get in good with us now."
"Hey, this is a definite improvement. Maybe we can get it to make coffee for us every morning."
"That'd be good. I could deal with that."
After breakfast, Grams called and said she be stopping by at noon with the Pastor. Gil wasn't sure the house needed to be blessed anymore, but guessed it couldn't hurt. After all, he had Rambo Ricky to take care of it -- if the ghost stepped out of line again.
When Grams arrived with the Pastor, She showed him around the house and the surrounding grounds. The Pastor blessed each room and asked the spirit to leave the human occupants in peace. Then he went outside to bless the property. While he was out there Grams took the opportunity to speak to her two favorite boys.
"So, what happened here last night?"
Warrick and Gil looked at her quizzically. "We're not sure what you mean, Grams?"
"Something is different about the house today. It feels different. I get a sense of peace and contentment. I didn't feel that yesterday. There were definitely some negative vibrations and I can no longer feel that. So, what happened?"
"Our ghost had an outburst last night. It started shaking things violently, but we're fine. Warrick wasn't even afraid. He got mad and started yelling at it. I think he frightened it."
"That's my Ricky. It's always best not to make him really angry."
"I believe the ghost now understands this."
"Oh, I'll bet it does. Please tell me you didn't cuss to much?"
"Of course not, Grams."
"Of course not. I'm not senile, you know."
"I love you, Grams."
"How do you put up with him, Gil?"
"I just can't help it."
"Neither can I. He's my baby. I'll go and collect the Pastor -- so you boys can have the afternoon to yourselves."
"You and the Pastor could stay for lunch?"
"Sorry dear, we've got a Baptism to get to. Another time. See you later, darlings. Try to stay out of trouble. I know that's asking a lot."
"We'll do our best. Bye, Grams and thanks."
"Yes, by Grams. We appreciate all your help."
"Anytime. I'll see you both soon."
Warrick and Gil settled in on the couch for some nuzzling and cuddling. Gil was hoping to pick up where they'd left off last night, but Warrick was going to have to go to work this afternoon. There just wasn't enough time, so they settled for some kissing and hugging instead. After awhile Gil said, "You know the house really does feel different."
"Ya, I noticed. It's warmer and it's not vibrating."
"Yes, I noticed that too. I'm just glad we don't have to do an exorcism."
"Nick wanted me to call the plumbers. Can't you just see that now? Here we are at the home of Doctor Gil Grissom and his lover Warrick Brown, both of the Las Vegas Crime Lab. They've been experiencing some ghostly activity and we're here to debunk the situation and give them a reasonable explanation for the things that have been happening."
"That would be lovely. Talk about coming out on national TV. I can see the vein in Conrad's forehead popping as he watches the episode."
"That might make it worth the torment."
"I don't think so, babe. No plumbers!"
"Ok, but I still hate leaving you here by yourself. I'll worry."
"Honey, it's just for a few hours. I'll be fine. If the ghost shows itself, I'll sing to it."
"You should've done that last night. It would've fled in terror."
"Very funny. You better start getting ready. You don't want to be late."
"Yes I do. I'll just tell Catherine that we were doing some paranormal research.
"Right, She'll believe that."
"Well, maybe not."
"Get going, love."
"Oh, Gil?"
"Oh, that's cute."
"Happy Halloween, baby. I'll see ya tonight. If you get spooked, come in early."
"I may come in early anyway, just to see you."
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