Title: Christmas brings the gift of light
Author: Snapler a.k.a. Raisetheroof911
Disclaimer: I do not own the show or cast.
Rating: NC-17
Email: snapler@aol.com
Pairing: Catherine/ Sara, others
Edited by: Myself
Summary: A first person narative with sara on her lesbian adventures close and at christmas and after.***
'BZZ, BZZ, BZZ' the noise carried around the house.
"Not again!" I took a couple breaths before answering the call.
"Sara, it is Grissom I need your help down here immediately."
Great another incident, what could it be this time? "Sure, what is up?" I waited for a couple seconds, before he came back on the line,
"You know it is almost Christmas right?" I thought we were talking about a murder and there he goes and changes the subject. I guess I better humor him,
"Yes what about it?" There was another short break of silence and this time I heard what sounded like laughter. "Grissom, are you there?" I asked in hope.
"Yes, still alive can't say the same goes for them. Now, please get down here. I can't bare this anymore. It is just too much." The connection ended.
"Grissom, Grissom?" I repeated hoping he was still there.
My mind confused on many questions left unanswered: what did he mean 'them'? Was that laugher I heard; if so, who was laughing and why?
It did not matter, I guess, Grissom needed me down there. I quickly took my CSI hat and vest out of closet. Strange enough, it still had that just out of the laundry smell. Even though, I had worn it out a couple times. With it being my only one and my desire to work over the limit of work hours, did not give me enough time to do laundry or anything else. A little glance at my black watch, along my left wrist, told me, if I left now, I could be there at just 9:00pm.
Great, just great, I thought. It is Christmas Eve and some wacko decided to destroy what would be a glorious beauty sleep and Christmas thinking, because his urge of destruction got the best of him.
With no plan on being later than 9:00pm I ran out of my bedroom and out of my house and into my black Volkswagen car. Before, I decided to peel out I placed my blue siren at the top of the hood and off I went, siren leading.
I was only out of my vehicle for a second and Grissom had already spotted me and was making his way over. "Welcome, it only took you twenty minutes." Grissom paused; changing his face from relaxed to concerned. "What happened?"
"I just was doing a little bit of thinking. After all, you left me wondering many questions, like what did you mean 'them'; was that laughter I heard; and what—"
"Answers later... I'll explain when we get inside." He responded, and then I proceeded to follow him inside what looked like a just furnished, three floors, and white mansion. "What's up with the attire?"
What attire? What ever do you mean? I have the uniform on...don't I? Just to be on the safe side I looked down. Sure enough Grissom was correct.
"Sorry, I was too busy in train of thought about your call that I had blanked out on grabbing my uniform off my bed."
"Next time, bring it" Grissom warned shaking his head with disappointment.
"Sorry, Gri—"
"I don't want to hear it. Although, shame you forgot your hat." He paused and thought for a moment. "I think I have an extra CSI cap." Grissom mentioned, rummaging through his black sports bag he carried in his hands. "Ah, here it is" He handed it to me. Upon receiving the hat I thanked him, before applying it on.
"Thanks, Grissom." Once it was firmly on I tied my outside hair into a pony tail. At the expense of an earlier request by Grissom, to prevent I quote 'the chances of contaminating the scene with one of your own hair follicles.'
Upon reaching three big pools of blood we came to a halt. "Here we are the crime scene."
"A kidnapping that got bad?"
"Not a bad guess, but no. My advice aim higher." Grissom hinted. 'Aim higher,' I wondered. What on earth does that mean? Do I need to think of something even more dramatic?
"Umm...was it...a bizarre self combustion, leaving blood and not skin or ashes."
Grissom smiled, "I like the idea of a new idea, also the out of the box thinking, but no. I mean, how could it explain the three vivid piles of separate blood pools?" Grissom, who saw me struggling, decided to lend a hand. "Try keeping your mind off the idea of one, but three." Three, beats me.
"I give up." "Funny, that was your closet guess" he chuckled, while his index finger pointed upwards.
Right then and there I wanted to scream on the spot. Three women soaked in blood, laid in row, taped at their hands and feet, next to one and other, wearing nothing but a variation of non-Victoria sexy underwear. However, figured against it, not only would I have all attention on me, but Grissom would probably throw me off the case. The case, that, I wanted to stay on to give the person responsible a piece of my mine. Then all of a sudden, a thought entered my mind.
My mind immediately went back to the clothing or lack of that they were wearing, "hookers?"
"I am afraid so, their pimp, the one who made the call after his girls failed to show for their next appointment. Tracked them down here through the address they left for him, found them like this, ran over to the kitchen and call the police. At about the time I arrived I had over heard him telling Brass each one of their names."
"Which are?" I asked intrigued.
"I have forgotten, sorry." When Grissom saw my roll of eyes displayed we went and did something about it. "Brass!" he yelled facing the way to the kitchen, covering his hands together to carry his voice.
"Yes" came the reply.
"What were their names?" a second went by and no answer.
"The....the... stuck up whores." Grissom replied.
"Oh, why didn't you say that before? They are Frasier, Dream, and Wonder."
"There you have it."
"Thanks, what would you say went through this killer's mind?" I asked.
"I'd say most likely he or she helped himself or herself to an early Christmas; with a ho-ho-ho to boot.
While Grissom gathered clues for the killer(s),
Sara was told to head out.
It was 5 pm; time for shifting shifts was close. A squad car exits the highway and turns off into a nearby gas station. Normally night shifts are tiresome on the eyes but on the plus side the roads and gas stations are rarely packed, a perfect time for a quick refill.
Rather than pulling to one of the two opposing gas station pumps the officer decided to pull up behind another vehicle-ist who pulled up seconds before his arrival. Upon getting out of the vehicle the officer reached deep into back right pocket pulling out his wallet. After a 5 minute thorough search of the wallet headed over to the store with a couple bills in hand.
When you get the chance I need you over here.
Catherine quickly read her newest text. That is just like Grissom a man who understands, but he will not understand for too long. She was already 29 minutes late and 3 miles away wrong the crime scene before she heard a siren go off.
"Crap! Not now" she screamed throwing her head into the headrest while she slammed her hand against the steering wheel. She had no choice she needed to pull over and luckily there was a perfect spot dead ahead.
Setting her vehicle in park, Catherine wastes no time bolting out knocking down the officer in the process.
It was not her fault. It was her Ex-husband's just like it is every day since they broke up. Not that she minded it too much it was certainly so much more pleasurable. Pleasure, she so desperately needed over the aching pain she was receiving. If only she could have had a couple more minutes before hand as a heads up, but it was going to end soon and then she could be happy... so happy. As much as a girl can be.
Grabbing hold of the black handle now currently in her possession she ran back over to her car and reentered the driver side of her car
By the time the officer was able to get back onto his feet and over to where his attacker headed she was now behind her car waiting patiently hunched over against her car.
In the brief moment when Catherine had her backed turned to the officer the used his training and seized the opportunity and head butted Catherine's back into her the side of her car before she hit the pavement face first.
Wasting no time, the officer struggled to get the hand cuffs on during the struggle a noticeable click was heard followed by Catherine screams "NO"! Within seconds her lower body began to converse and shake. But there was nothing she could do except scream and shout for her hands were tied up. "I am detective Willows I demand you let me go." But the officer was not listening because he currently was on the phone with his headquarters radioing in for backup and a female officer of the law.
While the officer waited for backup he had to literally sit on his captive to stop her squirming.
"You must understand. I DID NOT DO ANYTHING! Please let me go I must tend to myself I already am in great peril and with you sitting on me your only making to worse." No matter how Catherine phrased it the officer was not listen or budgeting.
"What is taking them so long to get here?" the officer silently breathed as he regained his breath and composure. Maybe this was not how to handle this particular situation but anyone just out of the academy might make this same mistake. "I am Officer Willows with the crime lab and I demand you let me go. And who sits on a suspect seriously."
Perhaps the officer lack of sleep was taking its toll, maybe the fight took too much out of him, or maybe he was tired of the suspect's excessive whining. Either way his flat face and relaxed body posture did not seem to indicate anything except relaxation especially not caring.
A short time later backup showed luckly for the officer. Out of all the possible officers it turned out to be Sara, which was lucky for Catherine. Sara, upon a quick assessment of the situation commanded control. "Officer shit for brains GET OFF her!"
"Oh, yes! It is Sara" Catherine breathed out in relief. After Sara pushed the officer off her completely frozen at what just happened Catherine was finally able to get back on to her feet.
"What is going on here?" Sara asked unable to part her eyes off the terror she was seeing Catherine's wide blue sky eyes.
Not getting a reply Sara asked again this time looking at the officer directly with eyes of black thunder.
"I—SHE—it—look!" the officer staggered out thawing from his previous frozen state pointing to the gas pump Catherine had just used.
Eyes not where the officer was pointing but more at the jerk with a badge who had seconds ago had her in a K.O. count, Catherine was unprepared for what happened next.
Pinned once again her own vehicle Catherine was even more trying hard to figure out what was going on and what was it the officer just pointing out. Unable to turn her head around and look at her attacker she could only assume it was Sara's hand holding the back of her head in place while her other hand lightly grassed over the sides of her body. With her head locked in place, hands in cuffs Catherine could only listen and pray for this moment to be over.
As Sara finished the top portion of Catherine's body and was proceeding on the lower portion Sara began to talk to Catherine.
"Why did you do it or better yet what did you do! I know your ex was a jerk but this is too much." Taking a quick breath she continued "even scum like him doesn't need to be killed." Grabbing hold of what was said "wait, Ed's dead?"
"Yeah, I'd say so, there is no way on earth a blood pool that big could be from a minor cut and seriously, Cath I would have to be blind to not notice part of Eddie's favorite black jacket sticking out of your trunk."
Unsure of what exactly was going on Catherine needed to know and know fast so she could explain what it was wasn't her doing and how Ed's jacket got there; For if she didn't it was only a matter of time before it became apparent through sound.
"I mean you could have at least cleaned yourself up for your pants are soaking wet." Sara continued whipping her sticky hand on the side of jeans.
"Sara, please come close. I want to explain because I don't want anyone else to hear."
"sure, no problem" Sara replied coming closer but stopped upon hearing a vibrating sound and at the same time coming across a tip of a large unknown item below Catherine waist.
Feeling Sara's unexpected touch Catherine could help but to moan, "Please Sara come close so I can explain".
Not 100 percent sure of what was going on but with a vague idea floating in her head Sara felt it was important to place her head on Catherine's car and tilt it slightly so her ear was by Catherine's mouth. However, was unable out of curiosity to stop poking at the large member desperately figuring out why it felt so familiar.
Realizing what it was Sara stopped her idle hand work and listen in but now before whispering in Catherine's ear. "You owe me bigger" pauses for a moment as she turned her head slightly up as if to think "way bigger than what you are packing".
Catherine knew that Sara knew which meant there was only one play left "fine, but don't YOU DARE TELL!" Catherine warned with eyes of tiger while trying her best to keep her anger to a low whisper.
Catherine had a lot of explain to do and she had to do it fast.
"oh so that is what happened... he placed it on you and left but not before you guys got into a fight and snagged his jacket on your car when you meant to close your trunk on him." Sara asked whispering back for confirmation and received a silent nod.
"Exactly, now please it is my pocket I turned it off when he placed it on me but the fight turned it back on."
Before Sara had a chance to respond she was being called over to the officer who started this mess. "Stay her, don't move and especially don't speak" Sara replied after grabbing the item quickly stowing it in her pocket.
"Thank you." Catherine sighed in relief as she watched her knight ride into battle to defend her honor and integrity.
"I said no talking." Sara spoke loud enough for anyone within the area could hear discreetly pressing the button.
"Wait! No! SARA! Please!" Catherine pleaded constantly.
"Did that lying wanna be cop bitch, have anything to say?" the rookie officer asked eagerly.
"First off she was not lying" Sara began to say but was cut off by Catherine's non-stop protests for her to come back. After a quick slid of the dial in her pocket Sara resumed loud enough so anyone could over hear. "she is not a bitch and she I don't think she said anything after I just talked to HER and told her she COULD count on me and I COULD HELP KEEP MATTERS A SECRET if she TALKED and TOLD me." Confused what was going on and very eager to go home and sleep the officer just nodded but not before asking Sara a favor. "Would you mind handling this? The 'bitch' pausing realizing his mistake "sorry, she appears to have settled down for now. It would mean to the world to me."
Taking a moment to think Sara glanced over at Catherine who's eyes were screaming for help and lips which appeared to be mouthing 'please' with a puppy dog face to boot. Unsure of whether it was the situation or her new found power Sara replied sure with a very big smile.
Before Sara could say anything else the rookie car was gone leaving Sara and Catherine alone.
"My car, NOW!" Sara shouted and Catherine immediately obeyed but when Sara cranked up the juice.
The two of them now in the car alone made Sara feel more at ease and could now finally act accordingly. Reaching over to Catherine who had just finished buckling sara went to work with her right hand.
"Sara!" Catherine screamed in a mix of fear, lust and fear.
"like you had said last week, 'your mine tonight'!" Sara couldn't help but smile as her right hand slipped into the hem of Catherine's pants and down until it reached it's target and helped increase the motion by providing some motion of her own.
"Sara!" Catherine begged again stifling back her moan.
"You are in no position to argue. I alone know the truth and I think it is going to stay that way unless you want to explain why the gas pump you were using was dripping with blood and not to mention Ed's jacket attached to your car."
"Fine" Catherine had no choice but to agree "but know this... I will get out of this mess and when I do you better run." Catherine warned.
"Whatever" Sara said not caring for she totally loved her new found power over Catherine. "besides aren't you enjoying this whole ordeal?" Sara asked cranking the vibrator to its highest setting while she gently squeezed Catherine's small nub which had come out of hiding to join the party.
Only moans could be heard.***
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