TITLE: Going Home
AUTHOR: Jaxson K.
DISCLAIMER: "I own nothing, just visiting friends."

Gil absolutely could not wait to go home. It never used to be that way. At least before Nick came into his life that is. He does his level best to get out of work on time because he actually has a reason for wanting to go home.

Before he and Nick took the final step and moved in together, he would stay at Nick's place more than Nick stayed at Gil's. Gil did that on purpose because he wanted to be as close to Nick as he possibly could, and it gave him a reason not to face his cold, lonely townhouse.

When they decided to move in together, Gil was so very happy because his love would be there all the time, and going home would be something he looked forward to once more.

Now, when he pulls in the drive and sees Nick's truck, his heart is a little lighter and his world is a little brighter, but nothing compares to the feeling he gets when he walks thru the front door and Nick says "Hey, Peanut..."