Title: Hold Me
Author: Jaxson K.
Pairing: Nick/Gil
Disclaimer: I own nothing, just visiting friends.
Summary: Nick just wants to be held......

Nick sat on the edge of the deck listening to the early evening sounds coming from the back yard. He wiped at the tears that just wouldn't stop falling and clouding his vision. He absolutely hated it when he and Gil argued, but realized that it was all part and parcel when you loved someone. It wasn't as if the argument had been that serious,because Nick honestly couldn't remeber why they had argued in the frist place.

All Nick knew for sure at this point is that it hurt him deeply to know that Gil probably thought he was an idiot. He knew he was smart, it's just that his temper got the better of him sometimes. What infuriated Nick even more was the fact that Gil always maintained some semblance of outter calm and detachment even with Nick standing there screaming his fool head off at him. It was almost as if Gil didn't feel anything.

Nick knew that wasn't true. Gil felt very deeply for Nick, and Nick knew that even though he blew his cool sometimes, that didn't mean Gil was going to pack up and disappear. Nick just needed to find a better way of communicating than to scream and yell when he got angry.

Nick heard the patio door slide open and Gil's footsteps as he made his way over to where Nick was sitting. Gil sat down behind Nick and scooted forward until his chest was snugged up against Nick's warm back......

"Baby, are you okay?"

"I'm better now, Peanut."

"I'm sorry we argued. I promise not to make the same mistake again."

"Gil, it's over now. Let's just move on."

"If you're sure, babe..."

"Yeah, I'm sure. You know how I get sometimes. I just get frustrated and my temper gets the better of me."

"What frustrates you so, Nick?"

"I feel like an idiot sometimes because I feel like I'm not smart enough to keep up with you, and I'm afraid you'll think less of me because of that."

"Nick, we all get in over our heads at times. That doesn't mean we're dumb, or too slow to keep up, or whatever, it just means that we all should try to find more information on the subject it is that we are lacking in...."

"I guess you're right, Gil. Forgive me?"

"Sure, baby, I already have."

"Peanut, will you do something for me?"


"Please hold me......"

The guys sat there for quite a while just enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed together front to back while Gil held Nick. This served to ground Nick again, as it always did. Nick thought to himself that it sure was good he could talk to Gil and that Gil always understood. Nick knew he was a very lucky man indeed.