Title: The Meeting
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRAO
Disclaimer: I don't own them. They are owned by various executives, producers, studios and writers who have more lawyers on retain than I ever want to mess with. Not making any money and promise to return them....some day.
Summary: The two meet.
Beta: Lynn (Janet)
Series: Escort Service, The Phone Call
Genre: Slash
Challenge: Lover 100 – Horatio/Speed
Prompt: # 43 - Opportunity
Word Count: 1731
Tim took a deep breath to calm down and opened the door. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but the man standing on the other side wasn't it. He was captivating, bright red hair that he itched to bury his fingers in, alluring blue eyes that just drew you in, and as his eyes traveled down the lean form, he couldn't help admire the firm body.
"I hope I meet your expectations?" Horatio asked a smile on his face.
"Beyond them," Tim shook his head and opened the door. "Come in..." He closed the door behind the redhead and couldn't help but admire the view from the back either. "So... I'm not sure what happens now."
Horatio turned and gave him a smile. "Well..."
"Okay, that I know. I mean... God..." Speed walked past him towards the bar. "Do you want a drink?"
"Scotch if you have it." He needed the liquid strength. The redhead shook his head slightly. He still couldn't believe he had done this, but now that he was here he didn't regret it. Tim at least was easy on the eyes. Dark hair and eyes, scruffy appearance, golden skin... But it was the eyes that pulled him in the most. Tim was putting on a brave front, but there was something eating at him.
"What’s your name?" Tim handed him the drink. "And please don't do the whole, ‘whatever you want it to be’ thing."
"Horatio." He hadn't even thought about using a fake name. It was who he was, and as insane as this situation was, he didn't want to lie to Tim.
" ‘O, I die, Horatio; the potent poison quite o'er-crows my spirit: I cannot live to hear the news from England; but I do prophesy the election lights on Fortinbras: he has my dying voice; so tell him, with the occurrents, more and less, which have solicited. The rest is silence.’ " The younger man smiled slightly.
" ‘What is it ye would see? If aught of woe or wonder, cease your search.’ " Horatio responded.
"Were you named after him?" Tim asked.
"No, after the author." He stepped closer to the brunette. "What do you want?"
Tim looked up and blinked, stepping back and away from the escort trying to clear his head. There was something about the older man that pulled at him. "I'm not sure really. It wasn't my idea actually. A friend gave me the number..." He paused and looked back over at him. "Do you role-play?"
Horatio was a bit taken back, he wasn't quite expecting that. "Depends if you were looking for something..." He gestured with his hands, not quite sure how to put it in words.
"Oh no, nothing like that," he shook his head. "I..." Tim ran a hand through his hair, sighing he turned his back on the escort. "I just want one night to pretend that I'm not alone." He looked up and back at Horatio. "That someone out there loves me."
Horatio's heart broke at the loneliness and pain that he heard in Tim's voice. It was so strong it took him a while to even respond to the request.
"Never mind," the brunette shook his head. "It was a bad idea, hell this whole thing was a bad idea..."
Making a decision, Horatio slipped his arms around Tim and pulled him close, "Shhh love, let’s not fight, ok?"
Tim looked up at him slightly confused. "But..."
"How often do we get time off together?" he cupped the scruffy cheeks. "We have this fancy hotel room, a night for just the two of us...."
Brown eyes blinked, a soft sad smile gracing Tim’s face. "It has been a while."
Horatio leaned down and kissed him, and his heart soared at the feel of the soft lips under his. With a moan he deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance into the warm mouth. Tim slipped his arms around the redhead's waist and pulled him closer as his mouth opened up. Only the need for air made Horatio pull back, panting slightly he leaned his forehead against Tim's.
"Have you eaten?" Horatio asked, stepping back. He eyed the thin waist with a raised eyebrow. "Or did you get caught up in work again?"
Tim looked down and blushed. "I ate something this morning...." he paused. "I think... no wait, yes Alexx gave me a muffin."
"Probably shoved it into your mouth," Horatio shook his head grinning. "I'm ordering dinner. You go take a hot shower, if you're good, I'll join you."
"What if I don't want to be good?" Tim shivered at the smoldering look the redhead gave him. "I'm going. I like my steak dead as in dead."
"Yeah, I know, burnt crispy critter coming up." He picked up the phone and ordered room service. He pointed at the bathroom and made shooing noises until Timothy had gone off into the bathroom, stripping out of his shirt along the way.
Horatio gasped when he saw the intricate tattoo on the young man's back, a beautifully inked red dragon that looked as if it was wrapped around his spine. The head was sitting on the right shoulder blade, while the tail dove below the waist and into the pants. He was itching to trace the tattoo with his tongue. He turned his attention back to the operator and ordered dinner and a bottle of wine. Hanging up the phone, Horatio stared at the bathroom door. His body wanted to go in there and claim Tim as his. His mind informed him of the small fact that he wasn't really here as an escort and technically Tim didn't know that.
Horatio sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Well H, you got yourself into this. Do something."
He slipped off his jacket and threw it onto the chair, his boots followed soon after and by the time he got to the bathroom, his shirt had joined them. He slipped into the bathroom and studied the young man in the shower. His eyes traveled down the tattooed back, over the firm ass, strong thighs and lean legs. His jeans landed next to Tim's discarded clothing, and without any more debating, he opened the shower door and stepped in.
Tim turned and looked at him, a bit shocked to see him. Horatio pulled him close and took his mouth into a hard kiss, pushing him up against the wall, their bodies flush against each other. Tim rubbed his erection against the hard body, moaning into the kiss as the pleasure began to build. His hands went into the wet red hair holding him close as he slipped his tongue inside the inviting mouth. Horatio pulled back just enough to get much needed air, before he began to kiss and lick a path down the scruffy jaw line and neck. His hands roamed over the hard chest and tweaked the nipples until they were hard nubs. His mouth soon followed the path his hands had taken. In time he found himself on his knees.
Timothy looked down at the escort, his cock hard as a rock. He had never been so turned on in his life. He ached to be touched, wanting nothing more than to have Horatio take him down his throat. He guessed he had control of the situation; he could make the redhead blow him, but it just didn't seem right. There was more going on here, he just didn't know what.
Horatio took the hard member in his hand stroking it slightly, letting his thumb run over the swelled head. The feel of it was hot and heavy in his hand. He wanted to taste, to swallow him down. His tongue flicked out and licked off a drop of pre-cum, he moaned at the taste. His hands moved to the slim hips and held him gently as he took the cockhead into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before taking him down whole.
"Oh God!" Tim moaned, straining against the strong hands. The mouth was so warm and inviting, he just wanted to thrust and loose himself. He gripped the red hair tightly as he was expertly worked over. "It’s been too long... going to ...."
Horatio moaned around the thick cock, his eyes taking in Tim's face, his expression of pure pleasure. With a few more sucks, he heard a sharp yell before his mouth was flooded with semen. He quickly swallowed it all down, not missing a drop. He felt a tug on his hair and stood up, only to have Tim kiss him hard and passionately. He returned the kiss in kind, rubbing his hard erection against Tim's thigh.
Reaching down Tim grasped the hard cock and stroked it softly. He pulled back slightly and looked down at the member in his hand. It was large and thick, just the way he liked them. Horatio buried his face into his shoulder as he stroked the cock with sure strong strokes. His thumb swept over the swollen purple head, sending shivers down the escort’s body.
"You like that?" Tim whispered in his ear. "Would you like me on my knees? Or you want to shove this hard cock up my ass?"
With a groan Horatio came all over the milking fingers. He turned his head and kissed Tim softly. "We should get cleaned up, dinner will be here soon."
Tim nodded, a smile on his face. "God I needed that."
"So did I, love." Horatio kissed him once more before grabbing the soap and a wash cloth. "Now turn around so I can wash your dragon."
Timothy laughed heartily. "He likes his tail scratched."
His laugh was music to the redhead's ears. Glancing down, his eyebrow went up – the tail ended right where the butt crack began. Oh, he was so looking forward to scratching that tail.
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