Title: Parker Brothers
By: Mickeylover303
I think it's David Hodges time. Not that I don't like David/Greg, I love it. I just wasn't expecting it seven in the morning. Especially since it's my first one, and I was hoping for a Jack/Bridge.
But there is definitely a different dynamic between these two. Hopefully that came across. And I really felt for Greg, because I was going through the same thing, this morning.
As usual, I can't claim ownership. I can only pray Nicky doesn't kill me...


The tension was palpable - no butter knife necessary.

It was only Sunday. However, Friday and Saturday were long gone. Neither willing to admit defeat for fear of its consequences. For to each his own.

And to each his pride.

"You're yawning."

"And you're pointing out the obvious, again."

The two figures sat around the cluttered table. Adorned with a rainbow of colour. Tinted with bronzes and beiges. Hidden beneath greens, blacks, yellows, and whites.

Wealthy symbols and Christmas reminders scattered alongside two tokens that would seal someone's fate.

"We'll I wouldn't point out the obvious if your yawns didn't," His voice trailed, interrupted by a particularly loud one, "Make me yawn."

"That made no sense," A yawn escaped the companion, as well, "at all."

"And look, I'm yawning again."

"And this is my problem, how?"

Another yawn escaped Greg, unfortunately, also garnering tears. Of which, David was keen to see.

"At this rate, you'll pass out."

"I can still do this."

"It's not like you have anything left."

Greg peered underneath the table. At the precious pieces of paper he held. His eyes shadowed by chunks of blonde tinted hair.

"I may not have Mediterranean-"

"Or Baltic."

"Or Baltic." Greg kept his head lowered. Not taking the bait. "I may not have Reading-"

"Or Pennsylvania. Or B.&O. Or Short Line Or-"

But it quickly rose at David's incessant need to interrupt. "Will you let me finish?"


"I may not have Oriental-"

"Or Vermont. Or Connecticut-"

"But I have Boardwalk and Park Place."


"And a house."

"And I own everything else on the board."

"I was trying to be dramatic. For my comeback, you know."

"There is no try with you, young Sanders."


"And neither will there a be a comeback."

"How many hours has it been?"

"Ready to forfeit?"


"This morning or in total?"

"Just today."

"Only four." He was cautious as Greg moved to sit beside him. Hopefully, he wouldn't try to steal money from the bank, this time. "Why do you ask?"

"Because unlike he who yawned-" David couldn't help the small curl of his lips as Greg did so, again. Ignoring the look in those eyes, radiating Greg's anger.

As angry as a Greg with a mouth wide open could possibly be, anyway.

Which, unsurprisingly, wasn't very much.

"To throw me off balance-"

"You're not trying to contaminate me because you're losing, are you?"

While David looked warily at his lips, Greg did not know whether or not to take the man seriously. Figuring the best route was that of ignorance. "I have work tomorrow."

"So, I-"

"No, I'm just making sure you don't steal from the bank."

"That was you."

"No, I was trying to even the playing field." David looked at Greg dubiously. "Every time I ask for a hundred, you say we're out."

"We still are."

"Just forget it."


"You know this means I win?"

But David received no answer, as Greg lay asleep against his shoulder.