Title: pre- Priority
Pairing: Gil/Nick
Genre: hurt/comfort, a two-shot!
Season/Time set: post-Grave Danger
Author: justtopostmyfic
Summary: What set Gil in motion, because sometimes to love is to leave (even for a little while).
A/N: inspired by and dedicated to[info]angus_honey 

Gil laid in bed awake, one hand strewn gently across Nick's back, as Nick laid on his front, sleeping soundly. In the quiet afternoon of that lazy day, Gil was spending his time thinking; thinking of Nick and the roller-coaster of events and emotions since his burial. He used to find coasters the best place to think, but every since Nick's real-life roller-coaster ride, he couldn't ride a coaster without irrevocably thinking of how Walter Gordon turned Nick's life upside down. So now the silence- accompanied only be Nick's slow, even breathing- is the best place for Gil to think.

But things were getting better- slowly. The ant bites were healing, Nick no longer had to throw up after instances that triggered flashbacks, and even the flashbacks themselves were becoming more infrequent. All these baby steps were progress, Gil knew.

One thing Nick hated more than being sick and hurt, was being too clingy and dependent when he was sick and hurt. In the past few days he'd been trying to regain some of his former independence, trying to get through the day without relying on Gil too much.

If he'd make it through period of sleep without needing Gil beside him, it'd be something Gil knew Nick would be proud of when he woke up. Nick had been sleeping for nearly two hours and, in Gil's experience, the nightmares usually came in the first hour of Nick's sleep.

Glancing at the digital clock, Gil noted it was a quarter to two, and belated realized that there was a show he'd like to watch starting at two. He looked over at his healing lover and rubbed his thumb up and down Nick's spine. Then he lifted his hand to smooth Nick's hair a couple of times and, when Nick didn't stir at all, or show any sign of distress, Gil slid his hand off Nick and rolled off the bed.