Title: Sweet Valentine
By: anmani
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: G
A/N: I had trouble sleeping and ended up writing this little thing.
Summary: Warrick's POV. Guess who my sweet Valentine is.

I got cold feet the second I’d dumped the letters in the mailbox.

Only then it was too late and besides I’d been watching them for over two years. The attraction was so bloody obvious. I would have thought Greg for a man of action no matter what so it was annoying to see him like a lovesick teenager all the time.

I’d done either the best thing or the worst thing ever; but Valentines Day 2002 would be the test of that. I’d send Greg a card pretending it to be from Nick and vice versa.

I stayed clear of them most of night not knowing if I could keep a straight face.

I usually go out like a light when I get home from shift; but today sleep had eloped with my air conditioner it seemed. I tossed and turned and heard the mail dump in the door and I kept asking myself why I had done it.

Another hour of battling my sheets was interrupted by the phone.

“Brown!” I was in no state to talk to anybody.

“It’s Nick.” I was so busted.

“And Greg.” Did I just hear that?

“Hey.” I was sinking hard and wondering if anybody would find my body when they were done with me.

“We appreciate the extra cards. But you know there was no need to.” Nick sounded amused I couldn’t process the information fast enough.


Greg came on the phone:
“You shouldn’t have licked the envelopes.” Had he really gone into the lab and made a DNA-test?

“They were self adhesive.” I defended myself and walked straight into the trap.

“Listen it’s our 6 months day today so I’ll be off again.” I didn’t manage to say anything before Greg hung up on me.