Title: A Matter of Taste
Author: Beverly
Rating: PG
Fandom/pairing: CSI: Vegas, Gil Grissom/Nick Stokes
Wordcount: 128
Summary: Drabble based on prompt #039 Taste.

"And what's that?"

With a smile Nick opened his mouth, and felt the texture of something new sliding over his lips, and into his mouth. He moaned softly. It was sweet and juciy. He licked his lips. "Strawberry," he guessed. A little laughter from his lover confirmed him. The next thing was easy. "Chocolate," Nick said full of conviction. "What now?"

Suddenly Nick could feel his lover move away a bit, then the rustling of clothes. The voice of his lover was husky when he replied, "How about that?" Curious now, Nick opened his mouth. He tasted. And then he moaned softly before he smiled. "That's easy...it's you," Nick whispered and then it was Gil's turn to moan when his lover took his cock in deep again.

The end