Title: To pull the trigger
Author: Beverly
Fandom/Pairing: CSI: Vegas, Gil Grissom/Nick Stokes
Rating: R
Wordcount: 112
Summary: Based on prompt #030 Death.

Sometimes he wished that he hadn't survived. That they hadn't found him. That he would have found the courage to kill himself. Down there. When he'd been laying in the ground, buried alive.

He didn't know what was worse...being the CSI who survived. Or being the CSI who had been kidnapped.

At day when he should be sleeping, he was turning from left to right and back. He had to take sleeping pills to find some rest.

But the worst about this whole situation was his lover. He comforted him whenever a nightmare woke him up. And whenever he looked into Gil's tired eyes, could feel his exhaustion after another sleepless night...he wished that he had pulled the trigger.

The end