Title: You've Made Me What I Am
By: Jaxson K.
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG
Summary: Greg tells Nick whose fault it really it.


Dear Nick:

I know you don't want to hear from me. You've made that perfectly clear. I promise this will be the last you hear of me. That should make you happy.

I know you never really loved me, and I was just something to get you through the night. You made that abundantly clear more than once. You even had the nerve to ask my why I fell for you. You know it was because I was in love and had hoped we could have a life together.

But that wasn't meant to be. All you had in mind was a good time...nothing more. As time went by, I tried to find a way to change the love I felt to hate. Hoping you would change your mind,I ended up letting you drag me down. There's one last thing you need to know, Nick. I'd be ashamed If I were you because you made me what I am.

