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Sorted by Author K
No Harm by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Gwen, Jack/Gwen
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: Jack never saw it coming.What About Us? by karaokegal
PAIRING: Ianto/Tosh & Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: Torchwood takes care of its own.Intervention by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen, (implied Jack/Suzie)
WARNINGS: character bashingTalk In A Time Bubble by karaokegal
PAIRING: Gwen/Ianto friendship. References to Jack/Ianto and Jack/Gwen.
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: Caring can only go so far, even for Gwen.Everlasting Love by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: character bashing
WARNINGS: DARK!FIC!!! This story contains torture, both physical and psychological involving sharp weapons and blood-shed, as well as potentially offensive views about sexuality. Special warning to J/I fans and Gwen-haters: Jack is fucked up and timing is still everything.
SUMMARY: Jack knows what he wants and how to get it.Truth and Consequences by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Jack/CJH
WARNINGS: character bashing
WARNINGS: DARK!FIC, No schmoop, no fluff. I got the idea of what might have really happened to CJH and it wouldn't let go, because I'm eeeeeeevil. I know my vision of J/I gets Jossed tomorrow, so call it AU if you have to.
SUMMARY: Ianto can't fool himself anymore. Owen makes it worse.Bad Habits by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Rhys (you read it right, folks.) Also includes Jack/Ianto and mentions of others.
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: Jack knows his failings as a human being and gives into them every time.Gwen's Game by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: They all told the truth. Ianto's hurt the most.Endless Love by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: Everything a RTD-loathing, CoE-reviling, Gwen-bashing, coffee-bagging, Mpregging, curtain-buying, Janto shipper could possibly want. Or is it?Double Dare by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Jack/Gwen
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: Emotional blackmail only works for so long.Frankly, My Dear... by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Jack/Gwen(UST)
WARNINGS: character bashing
SUMMARY: A classic movie has disturbing parallels.Soical Obligations by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen, Jack/Ianto, references to others. NO SCHMOOP, NO FLUFF!
SUMMARY: Jack and Owen have some unfinished business.Reason to Believe by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: "Knowing that you lied, straight-faced, while I cried."Wishing and Hoping by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Jack/Gwen
SUMMARY: Takes place during that scene in Something Borrowed, contains foreshadowing of Adrift and Exit Wounds. J/I fans and Gwen-haters, this is not the fic for you. Contains jealous and possibly psychic (if not, psychotic) Ianto.Show-Off by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, (references to Jack/Suzie, Jack/Gwen)
SUMMARY: There are no coincidences at Torchwood.Night Shift by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, (References to Owen/Gwen and Jack/Gwen)
WARNING: J/I slashers, this ain't gonna make you happy.
SUMMARY: Drabble and stopwatch fic.Clouds in My Coffee by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNING: J/I slashers, this ain't gonna make you happy.
SUMMARY: Jack needs me.Night and the City by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Ianto/other
SUMMARY: Drabble. Fighting the loneliness.Orientation Lecture by karaokegal
PAIRING: references to Ianto/Lisa, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Susie
SUMMARY: Drabble. Susie knows (almost) all.Never Seen Eden by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Ianto/Lisa
WARNINGS: Wing-fic, Crack-fic, post-CoE.
SUMMARY: Ianto finds himself in an unexpected situation.Gamblin' Man by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Susie/Owen & Owen/Gwen
SUMMARY: Jack hates to lose.The Sound Of My Soul by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: What the butler heard.Second As Farce by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNING: J/I shippers, read at your own risk. Allusions to Torchwood: Miracle Day-Day 7 and Fragments.
SUMMARY: Jack doesn't forget history.The Poisoned Rose by karaokegal
PAIRING: past Jack/Ianto & suspected Jack/Gwen
WARNINGS: Dark!fic. Takes place post-The New World, but deals with events of CoE
and canon character death. Possible grief triggers. Read at your own risk.
SUMMARY: Rhiannon sees a familiar face and then wishes she hadn't.Prince of Darkness by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Gwen & Jack/Ianto & Gwen/Rhys
WARNINGS: Jack bashing
SUMMARY: Drabble. The Hub never sleeps.
Kat Meloni
Welcome Back by Kat Meloni
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
Five Conversations About Ianto and Jack by kennedy-unknown
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: It seems that everyone has an opinion about Ianto and Jack.
Musical Instruments by Kilrez
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: It's late at night, as these events so frequently seem to transpire. Ianto catches a hidden glimpse of Jack.Massage by Kilrez
PAIRING: pre-slash Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: On the day after the Torchwood team broke up a ring of rural cannibals, Ianto showed up for work, against Jack's orders. Jack never really got the hang of leaderly reprimands.Hickeys, Revealed or Otherwise by Kilrez
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: Jack and Ianto have some serious subtlety issues.3 Dolphins by Kilrez
PAIRING: mild Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: The Torchwood folk are very briefly abducted by aliens. This causes less consternation than it should.
Why Ianto Fancies Cheese by kiss_her_theta
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: mpreg, crack!fic
SUMMARY: Why is Ianto being so temperamental? And why is he so obsessed with cheese?Running from your Sorrows by kiss_her_theta
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
NOTE: 'Children of Earth' fix-it fic
SUMMARY: Jack had to keep running to escape his past. That was, until the man who ran caught him.
Attack of the Killer Pigeons by KITG22
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: When the flying rat populas, oops sorry meant pigeon populas starts doing an Alfred Hitchcock, is it the result of aliens trying to take over, or some lost artifact that wants load of birdseed (okey this fic is alot more serious than it sounds trust me).
Torchwood A Day Old Corpsy by KuteKati1989
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: The title is supposed to sorta rhyme with 2001 A Space odyssey, quite grim but hey ho!
Release by KyotoraV
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto
WARNINGS: voyeurism
SUMMARY: A Janto smutfic written as a challenge from a friend.