CSI Slash's Chirstmas Wish List

This is this site's Chirstmas Wish List. If you've seen these on livejournal, you'll know how these work :) If you want to you can pick up to 10 things you'd like for Chirstmas and post them, usually on your journal, and then go and grant other people's chirstmas wishes. Your wishes can be anything, from "I want a new house" to "I'd really like a lj icon of X fandom or pairing, which is only for me!"... The idea is to grant as many wishes for other people as you can manage.

Note:- It costs in the region of $400 a year to keep this whole site up and running, hence the ongoing need for referral fees from places like Amazon and donations via Paypal unfortunately.

This site's wishes -
1) If you have a journal or site, where you are happy to link to a slash site, then a link to http://www.chancesarchive.net/csislash/index.html using CSI Slash would be great! :) You can also use this banner to link to this site too -

2) If you have any CSI slash or gen stories and are happy for me to archive them in CSI Slash, could you please email me here with the stories themselves or a link to them.

3) If you buy anything from Amazon.com on a vaguely regular bases, or are planning on buying things from there for Chirstmas, I'd deeply appreciate it if you'd use this link - Amazon.com - or the Amazon.com link on the top of the New stories page. (No, it won't cost you anything and CSI Slash will get a small percentage of what you spend at Amazon, which will be used to help pay for the site).

4) If you buy anything from Amazon.co.uk on a vaguely regular bases, or are planning on buying things from there for Chirstmas, I'd deeply appreciate it if you'd use this link - Amazon.co.uk - or the Amazon.co.uk link on the top of the New stories page. (No, it won't cost you anything and CSI Slash will get a small percentage of what you spend at Amazon, which will be used to help pay for the site). If you buy vouchers from either Amazon site CSI Slash will get a refferal fee for those as well.

5) If you buy anything from Amazon.ca on a vaguely regular bases, or are planning on buying things from there for Chirstmas, I'd deeply appreciate it if you'd use this link - CSI: Season 10 - or the Amazon.ca link on the top of the New stories page. (No, it won't cost you anything and CSI Slash will get a small percentage of what you spend at Amazon, which will be used to help pay for the site). If you buy vouchers from either Amazon site CSI Slash will get a refferal fee for those as well.

6) If anyone is feeling generous and is willing to help cover the site's hosting fees/bandwidth costs, you could subscribe via Paypal -
Amount Per Month Per Year
$12.50 n/a
$15.00 n/a
Unsubscribe button - (Which can also be found on the main page of the site of course) -

7) Any one off donations via Paypal would be deeply deeply appreciated too -