Title: 101 Things Greg Sanders Loves About Nick Stokes
By: templestars
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Nick Stokes
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Spoilers: General through all seasons
Rating: Light R for references
Summary: 101 things Greg loves about Nick.


1. Dude. The Texas Twang.

2. He loves Nick's eyeglasses.

3. He loves it when Nick wears his vest.

4. He loves Nick's abysmal singing.

5. He loves spooning with Nick on their bed.

6. He loves going grocery shopping with Nick, even though he gets grumpy at him every time Greg adds something to the trolley that wasn't on the list.

7. He loves that Nick writes shopping lists. Greg steals them and writes lewd notes on the back.

8. He loves that Nick knows the combination to Greg's locker and doesn't mind that Greg has stolen the combination to his (of course, Nick did leave it on a piece of paper in the kitchen, so Greg's pretty sure he meant him to have it.)

9. He loves that Nick buys him Reese's Pieces even though he hates peanut butter.

10. He loves going on roadtrips with Nick.

11. He loves that Nick arranged a surprise trip to San Francisco for Greg's birthday.

12. He loves that Nick let Greg try to teach him how to surf while they were there.

13. He loves that Nick would always play Name That Chemical Compound with Greg.

14. He loves the adults only version they play at home.

15. He loves the way Nick flushes when Greg flashes him a dirty grin at work.

16. He loves pressing his ear to Nick's chest and listening to his heartbeat.

17. He loves the intense expression Nick gets when he's concentrating on something.

18. (He loves it when that expression is turned on him.)

19. There's a little old lady living next door who Nick's always offering to help. Greg loves that.

20. He loves the way Nick sits a horse.

21. He loves the fact that, since he started dating Nick, he hasn't had to change the oil in his car once.

22. The Porn 'Stache. Especially when it gets shaved off again. Though Greg does have photos for blackmail material.

23. He loves that Nick will dance with him in their living room.

24. He loves the arguments he and Nick have over whose music taste is worse.

25. He loves that the radio in Nick's truck has been programmed with Greg's favourite radio station.

26. He loves that he's the only one that knows that, really, Nick likes leather just as much as he likes lace.

27. He loves the chaps Nick bought him.

28. He loves that Nick bought them matching silver claddagh rings for their first anniversary.

29. He loves that Nick will always happily explain the significance of the claddagh.

30. He loves that Nick doesn't know the difference between the rock symbol and sign-language for 'I love you'. Greg's not about to point it 
out to him.

31. He loves that he is (just a little bit) taller than Nick. Greg has never been taller than any of his boyfriends before.

32. He loves that Nick grew his hair out for him.

33. He loves that he was able to convince Nick to visit his hair stylist (even if Nick swears he is never going back there again – Greg has photographic blackmail from that incident too.)

34. He loves that Nick bought him a Polaroid camera, even though he hates having his photo taken.

35. He loves that Nick installed an aquarium wall between the lounge- and dining-rooms for him.

36. He loves that Nick lets him write messages on his back in black marker. (Greg's perfected the art of writing backwards so that Nicky can read the messages in the mirror.)

39. He loves that Nick gets turned on when Greg's working in his vegetable patch in just his cut-offs.

40. (He loves the fact that their backyard has high fences.)

41. He loves the fact that Nick always feels guilty about putting Stella into a kennel when they go away.

42. He loves that Nick now knows the significance of this number.

43. He loves Nick's smile.

43. He loves the fact that Nick volunteered to take Bob the Clownfish to the Aquarium when he wasn't eating and Greg had to work.

44. He loves that Nick so readily accepts Greg's friends, even though they're exceedingly strange.

45. He loves that Nick assures him that Greg is still the weirdest person he knows, and that that is part of what Nick loves about him.

46. He loves it when Nick talks to him in Spanish (especially in bed).

47. He loves that Nick thinks it's cute that Greg still has the stuffed troll his Papa Olaf gave him as a child.

48. He loves that Nick doesn't try to make him talk when he wakes up screaming from images of flames and exploding glass. Nick just holds him and reminds him that he's safe.

49. Jacqui tells him that Warrick had to hold Nick back from running into the burning building. Greg loves that, even if he feels a little guilty for feeling that way.

50. He loves that Nick never doubted him when he said that he didn't blame Catherine even though he does – just a little bit.

51. He loves that he can hold a debate with Nick without it becoming an argument.

52. Nick doesn't know that he knows this, but Bill told Greg that he is the first boyfriend Nick has ever introduced to his family. Greg loves 

53. He loves that Nick has a list of things he loves about Greg (it's kept in the back of his oldest bird book).

54. (He loves it so much that he decided to write one to? for? Nick too.)

55. He loves that after they found him, Nick would only let his mother and Greg embrace him. Greg knows that's because Nick trusts them to keep him safe.

56. He loves that Nick barely hesitated before entering that bunker, even though Greg just wanted to whisk him home and never let him leave again.

57. He loves the curve of Nick's neck and shoulder when he's sleeping.

58. There's a light dusting of golden-brown hair on the back of Nick's thighs. Greg loves to run his tongue from the back of Nick's knee up to the curve of his arse.

59. He loves that Nick has carved him a miniature 'surfer dude' – his words – complete with a Malibu board.

60. He loves that Nick wears the matching jogging suits that Greg bought them, even though he rolls his eyes as he pulls it on.

61. He loves the hot looks he gets from Nick when he wears his aviator sunglasses.

62. He loves that Nick likes The Killers better than Panic! at the Disco simply because Greg took him to see them before they made it big. (The fact that they spent half the gig making out in a dark back hallway might have had something to do with it too.)

63. He loves that Nick is somewhat laconic to Greg's loquacious.

63b. He also loves those words.

64. He loves that Nick takes him on midnight picnics to the desert so that they can watch the stars.

65. He loves that Nick always has the same thing for breakfast when he has to work: one glass of apple juice, one bowl of high bran cereal with skim milk, two pieces of toast and one piece of seasonal fruit.

66. He loves that Nick has managed to come through his life without being afraid to get up in the morning.

67. He loves that Nick can understand what he's trying to say even when his is mouth full.

68. He loves Nick's hands.

69. He loves that Nick let Greg dress him when they went a Black Flag show. (And yes, Greg does have photographic evidence.)

70. He loves that Nick's always willing to go to gigs with him despite the fact that he really doesn't get the music. Nick says it's to stop any guys from stealing his boyfriend – Greg suspects that this might even be partially true.

71. He loves that Nick still loves him even though he's changed a lot in the last few years.

72. Nick jokingly says that Greg hasn't changed – he's just grown up. Greg likes that Nick quickly figures out that this is a bad thing to say.

73. He loves the way that Nick makes it up to him when he thinks he's done something to hurt Greg's feelings.

74. He loves Nick's graciousness.

75. He loves that Nick tries to protect him, even though he doesn't need it.

76. He loves that Nick never condescended to him when he was a trainee.

77. He loves that Nick was always willing to help him study.

78. He loves to watch Nick coax sparrows into eating from his hand.

79. He loves that Nick is such a fantastic uncle to his nieces and nephews.

80. He loves that Nick spends almost as much time on the phone to Greg's mother as Greg himself does.

81. He loves that he's the only person that knows why Nick likes birds so much (even if the reason saddens him).

82. He loves that Nicky's learnt to paraglide so that he can fly away too.

83. He loves that Nick's teaching him too, so that he doesn't need to be left behind.

84. He loves that Nick has shown him all the secret places of his childhood on the Stokes Family Ranch.

85. He loves the way Nick smells after he's been working in the shed – all sawdust and heat.

86. He loves that Nick has turned the sun room into a library for all their books.

87. He loves that Nick has become a democrat for more reasons then just the gay marriage issue.

88. He loves the wistful look Nick gets in his eye when someone talks about gay marriage.

89. He loves the way Nick's eyes crinkle at the edges when he laughs.

90. He loves to see both his and Nick's possessions mingled together in their houses.

91. He loves that he can't remember who some things originally belonged too.

92. He loves walking behind Nick when they go hiking in the mountains (it's the best view for miles).

93. He loves how neatly his fingers interlace with Nick's.

94. He loves goosing Nick in the middle of the lab.

95. He loves that Nick lets him do a full work-up on his DNA, even though its not like they can have children together.

96. He loves that Nick never gave up on Cassie even though everybody else thought it was already too late.

97. Nick sometimes talks in his sleep. Greg loves what he says about him.

98. Nick has flaws. Greg loves him the more for them.

99. Nick is ticklish. Greg loves taking shameless advantage of that.

100. He loves that the blackmail was Nick's idea. Nick gave him a box to keep the photos in and told him to use them if it ever looked like Nick was considering something stupid, like leaving him.

101. Greg loves that he's sure he won't ever have to use them.
