Title: Angel
Author: sarcasticsra
Rating: G
Pairing: gen
A/N: Thanks for beta'ing, Kelly.
Summary: Why couldn't she be an angel?


When his daughter had first been born, Jim had compared her to an angel. All she needed were the halo, wings, and aura of bright white light, and she'd be perfect.

Ellie had been a joy in those early years. She'd been happy, always smiling, giggling, and always wanting her dad. Jim had often called her "his little angel." Ignorance is bliss, as they say.

The years brought age, wisdom, and cynicism, though. He knew by the time she was fourteen that his daughter was no angel. The halo had bent, the wings were cut off. The aura of white light had dimmed.

Jim wondered if he'd ever stop wishing for her to still be that angel.

