Title: Bad Case of Loving You
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ryan Wolfe
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/CSI: Miami
Rating: PG-13
Table: Inspired By Songs, mission_insane
Prompt: 6, Bad Case of Loving You
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ryan Wolfe, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Ryan raised his head from the magazine he was looking at, frowning and glancing towards the kitchen. He and Greg had finished dinner nearly twenty minutes ago; he didn't know why it was taking his boyfriend so long to put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

Maybe Greg had decided to do the dishes by hand, he thought as he heard a suspicious clatter in the kitchen. But that would be foolish; that was what they had a dishwasher for. Still, if Greg had decided to go old school for the night, the least he could do was help out.

He got to his feet, picking up the empty mug that he'd been drinking tea from. He should probably put this one in the dishwasher and get a new one, he told himself. It was just as good an excuse as any for going into the kitchen and offering to help Greg wish the dishes.

When Ryan got to the kitchen door, he stopped in his tracks, his mouth falling open and his a small gasp coming to his lips. Of all the sights that he'd thought he might see when he entered the kitchen, what was there before his eyes definitely hadn't been one of them.

Greg was standing in front of the sink, up to his elbows in soapsuds, happily washing the dishes. And for some odd reason, he'd decided to do the housework completely naked; he didn't have a stitch of clothing on, not even an apron to protect himself from the hot water.

Ryan just stood there for a few moments, not making a sound, drinking in the sight of his gorgeous boyfriend doing a mundane household chore. What was it about Greg that he could make doing the dishes look like the sexiest occupation in the universe?

Maybe it was just because he was naked, Ryan thought with a smile. He stood there for a few more seconds, debating what to do next, making up his mind quickly. He moved to stand behind Greg, sliding his arms around his boyfriend's waist and kissing his bare shoulder.

"I know the dishes needed washing, but I figured you'd just dump them into the dishwasher," he murmured, his hands moving up the front of Greg's body. "I didn't expect to find you doing them by hand -- and definitely not in this state. But I've got to admit, I like it."

"Glad to hear it," Greg said softly, finishing with the last of the dishes and setting the plate he was holding into the drying rack. "I thought I'd give you a surprise. It's been a while since I did something that really knocked you off your feet. I thought this might be a step in that direction."

"You could knock me off my feet, alright -- and right into bed," Ryan told him with a laugh, hugging his lover close to him. He buried his face in the crook of Greg's neck, nipping at his boyfriend's sensitive skin, feeling desire rise within him, as he'd known it would.

Greg didn't have to be naked to be desirable, he thought, his hands moving down to his boyfriend's slender hips. All he had to do was be his lovable, charming self -- and Ryan would fall for him in a heartbeat. He had a bad case of loving Greg Sanders, and he never wanted to get over it.

At the moment, he wanted to let that love mutate into lust, to take Greg off to the bedroom and make love to him. But first, he would savor these moments of simply holding and touching his boyfriend, let himself sink into the feeling of Greg's naked body under his hands.

"I love how you touch me," Greg said with a soft sigh, leaning back into Ryan's arms. "I might have gotten naked just because I wanted you to touch me. And I think you're definitely overdressed for the occasion. How about taking off some of those clothes so I can return the favor?"

Ryan shook his head, laughing softly at Greg's words. "Oh no, you don't," he told his boyfriend, nipping at Greg's bare shoulder again. "I'm enjoying this. I"ll take my clothes off when I get you into the bedroom. Not before. I kind of like this imbalance."

"You do?" Greg said with a laugh. "Then I might have to surprise you like this more often. I just thought it was something that would spark us up a little tonight. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling kind of naughty. I was thinking about doing it on the couch."

Ryan's eyes widened in mock surprise. "On the couch! You think we ought to leave the shades up, too?" he asked with a soft laugh. "Hey, if that's where you want to make love, it's okay by me. I've got a bad case of loving you, Greg. I'll make love to you anywhere you want."

"Anywhere I want?" Greg's eyes took on a gleam of mischief as he turned in Ryan's arms to face his lover. "What if I want you to make love to me on my desk in our office at work? Somehow, I think the buck might stop there. Some places are off limits."

"Yeah, well ...." Ryan gave a heavy sigh, holding up his hands in surrender. "That doesn't mean that I don't want to, it just means that I won't risk our jobs to do it. But I've got such a bad case of loving you that one day I might just snap and try it, regardless of the consequences."

Greg shook his head, the corners of his lips twitching as though he was trying his best to hold back a smile. "You ought to get that checked out," he said, his voice very soft. "It could be contagious. In fact, I think it is, because I've got a pretty bad case of loving you, too."

"Do you think you ought to examine me?" Ryan asked, trying his best to sound worried. "If it's contagious, we'll have to find a cure. I wonder what that could be?" He knew what he wanted their "cure" to be, but he had to see what Greg would have to say about it.

"I think that would be a really good idea," Greg told him, his hands moving down Ryan's sides to grasp the hem of his t-shirt and lift it up. "I think this might take a while, so maybe we should adjourn to the bedroom. After all, a thorough examination could take up a lot of time."

Ryan nodded, trying hard not to burst into laughter. "Yeah, I think it might," he agreed, feeling his heart start to pound in his chest. He wanted to grab Greg's hands and lead him down the hall to their bedroom, strip off his own clothes and fall into bed with his boyfriend.

Oh yes, he definitely had a bad case of loving Greg. He wanted to make love to this man until they were both breathless, until their bodies felt as though they had fused together into one single entity. He wanted to be a part of Greg, to never let him go.

But he would let his boyfriend take the lead in this; he would let Greg do whatever he wanted, instead of taking control himself. Even though he was the more dominant partner in their sexual relationship, he wanted to let Greg have his way, let his boyfriend stretch his wings.

"Come on," Greg said softly, stepping back out of the circle of Ryan's arms and taking his lover's hands in his own. "Let's go examine each other in the bedroom. We need to make sure that this bad case of loving each other is going to be confined to just the two of us."

"Oh, I think it will be," Ryan told him, his eyes sparkling. He let Greg lead him out of the kitchen and down the hallway, holding back his laughter. This was going to be a very interesting evening indeed -- and from the way things were going now, he couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
