Title: Birthday Fic
By: oh-mumble
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Okay, I want you all to know that this is completely ruggerdavey's fault. She requested birthday fic for Mr George's birthday, and, so, yeah. I've also gone the route of mentioning his (well, Nick's) birthday, instead of writing the event, because August 18 is way too far away to be thinking about. That also happens to be my birthday (woo!) and I find it hard to get excited about it even on the day. I would also like to point out that there is absolutely no redeeming factors about this fic, whatsoever. If you're looking for plot or porn or deep psychological reasons, then head, well, somewhere not here.



He understood that people had to stay behind in the lab occasionally. Really, he did. Small crime scenes, too many feet and eyes, and evidence got missed and contaminated. Nick just wished it wasn't always him left behind. Grissom called it important. Warrick told him that it was a learning experience. Sara laughed, and told him to enjoy his shift of paperwork duties, at which Nick gave her a tight smile and walked away with his armful of files.

The break room was empty, neat stacks of paper covered the table, and every so often someone would drift in to lightly mock Nick's misfortune. The gentle teasing got on his nerves, but the distraction was welcome, so he'd just wave it off and turn the conversation around. Except that no one had been by now in over an hour, and Nick's frustration was growing. Greg had wandered in at the start of shift and handed Nick a mug of the special coffee he now kept hidden away from everyone, calling it a commiseration present for being stuck in the lab again. He'd smiled at Nick, patted him on the shoulder and told him to have fun, before disappearing into the DNA lab. But that was hours ago, and the coffee was gone, and Nick didn't know where Greg kept his stash. Nick looked up gratefully as the door opened and Bobby wandered in, sitting down at the table across from him and grinning broadly. Nick hoped that maybe Bobby was there for a reason. Maybe a message from Grissom, or case evidence that needed processing. Even a grisly new crime scene wouldn't go amiss at the moment.

"I have baby photos."

Or not.

Bobby dug into the pocket of his labcoat and pulled out a thick photo envelope, oblivious to the slightly despairing look in Nick's eyes. Like every proud new parent, Bobby had been waving photos of his daughter around the lab for months now, cornering whoever he could to show them the latest series of snapshots. It was alternately endearing and annoying, but Bobby was so happy at finally having adopted a child, no one said anything. Except Hodges, who had sneered at a dress little Anna had been wearing in one photo. No one had disagreed over the awfulness of the pink monstrosity the baby had been put in, but Bobby had looked so crestfallen, Nick had spent the rest of the shift getting everyone to tell Bobby how pretty Anna had looked, while Sara had quietly explained to Hodges just how much she was going to hurt him if he ever opened his mouth like that again. So when Bobby handed over the latest set, taken at something that looked like a family picnic, Nick just smiled and started to flip through them, making little noises of approval at appropriate intervals.

"We're having another one," Bobby looked so excited, he was practically vibrating. Nick looked at the photo in his hand, and then up at Bobby.

"Another picnic?"

"No," and if Bobby smiled any wider, Nick was worried his friend was going to do himself some damage. "Another baby. A little boy. Or a girl. I don't mind. Frank wants a boy, though."

"Already?" Nick frowned. "Isn't it a little soon? I mean, Anna is only a few months old."

"Yeah, but it took us four years to get her," Bobby explained. "We don't want to wait until Anna is a few years older, and then start the process again. So if we start now, the agencies have got a heads-up. We're hoping it won't take so long this time, but you never know. Touchy issue with some people."

"Well, I wish you all the luck," Nick said warmly, handing back the photos. He had to admit, Bobby and his little family looked very sweet and happy in the pictures. He just wished that there weren't quite so many of them. "Man, you guys must spend a fortune at the developers."

"Archie's brother owns a photography store down on the strip," Bobby looked down at the photos, smiling and tenderly tucking them back in their envelope. "He gives me a discount. Which is probably a good thing, considering."

Nick chuckled. "Yeah, considering. Seriously man, Anna's a very lucky little girl to have such great dads."

"Thanks," Bobby's happy face turned a slight shade of pink. "You ever thought about kids?"

"Isn't this a little quick?"

"You know what I mean," Bobby fixed Nick with a look. "Big family and all that. You never thought about settling down?"

Nick shrugged. "Not lately. Besides, why do I need kids of my own when I can just borrow one of my thousands of nieces and nephews?"

Bobby laughed. "How many is it now?"

"I don't know. Seventeen, I think. My mom has started sending me calendars with the birthdays already marked on it, only way I can keep up."

"Ouch. Christmas has got to be painful for your folks."

"Tell me about it. But, they keep having more." He frowned. "You'd think, with so many kids, they'd never have enough time to make more. But, they keep on appearing."

"Oh, you come up with ways," Bobby winked at Nick, standing up. "Babysitters. Quickies. You get very creative."

Nick stared at him, aghast. "I really don't want to know about my family's sex lives. Or yours."

"Bathrooms are a wonderful thing."

"I'm not listening. Get out of here!"

"Enjoy your paperwork," Bobby grinned, heading back out. Just as the door swung closed behind him, Nick heard him call out something like "Nap time!", making him groan in frustration, and wish Bobby had stopped at the baby photos. He sat back in his chair, tapping his pen on the unappealing paperwork in front of him. He suddenly had even less desire to finish the files and, dropping the pen on the stack, got up and headed out into the corridor, a few short steps carrying him into the DNA lab. Greg was hunched over a microscope, alternately looking at whatever was on the slide, and checking something in a large file next to him. Pushing open the door, Nick called out a cheery greeting. Not looking up from the slide, Greg swung an arm out and pointed back at the door.

"Stokes. Get out."

Nick stopped where he was, confused. "Huh?"

"You have paperwork to be doing. You haven't been out in the field tonight. Therefore, you have no evidence for me to process, and are just here to bug me. So. Shoo."

Nick ignored him, and dropped onto a stool next to Greg. "Bobby Dawson is having more sex than me."

Greg looked up at him, incredulous. "What did I just say?"

"I thought new parents went off sex when they had kids. No time and being tired, and all that. I thought, one person in this lab who is having less sex than me, it has to be Bobby. But, no."

"I'd have thought your parents with their humongous family would have clued you in there."

Nick frowned. "Why is everyone talking about my family's sex lives tonight?"

"Because you're a giant freak who won't shut up?" Greg guessed. Nick glared at him.

"This is important. I haven't gotten laid since my birthday!"

"Yes, well that's - hey!" Greg pointed an accusing finger at Nick. "I was there for your birthday! There was drinking and clubs. When was there sex?"

"Oh," Nick coloured, scratching absently at the back of his neck. "You know the girl I shared a cab with?"

"The one who lost her purse and needed a ride?"

"Yeah. Um."

"You," Greg turned back to his microscope, "Are a skanky ho. Go away now."

"This is pathetic," Nick muttered, picking at the edges of the file on the bench. "I'm an attractive guy. I have a well-paid job. And I will soon be forty and single, and oh god, I'm going to be Grissom." Nick scrubbed at his face in frustration, thinking of all the places he could be right now that didn't involve night shifts and paperwork.

"Dude," Greg looked up. "Forty?"

"In a few years. And shut up."

"Okay, look," Greg swivelled on his stool to face Nick. "First off, the paperwork is making you a little stir crazy. Take a break. Next - and if you dare repeat any of this, I will deny it - but you are a smart, attractive, occasionally freakish man. There are several people in this lab who want your strangely-proportioned body. So. Go now. Smile at people and have sex."

Nick blinked. "I'm strangely-proportioned?"

"Yes, but you have lovely dimples. Shoo."

Nick looked down at his hands, slightly confused, and was silent for a few moments. Then, "Who?"

Greg slammed his file shut, startling Nick. "Oh, good god, are you still talking?"

"You," Nick said, slightly accusingly. "You said several people. Who?"



"You know, you bitch and whine about being single, but when people do give you signals, you just ignore them," Greg ran his hand through his hair, frustrated. "You have people running after you and flirting and touching-"


"And you're so blind! You're right, you know, you're turning into Grissom. You don't even notice when people are coming on to you, and no, I'm not telling you who."

Nick crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at Greg. "I have nowhere to be anytime soon."

Greg moaned, standing up and heading for the door. "Please, leave me alone now." Nick got up and followed him, dogging him down the corridor to the drinks machine. Greg stared forlornly at the buttons in front of him. "There needs to be some kind of alcohol in a can. It would solve a lot of work-related stress. Cherry coke just isn't all that soothing."

Nick coughed. "Well?"

"Oh, for-" Greg glanced up and down the corridor, checking it was empty before grabbing Nick's arm, and quickly shoving the other man against the wall next to the drinks machine. It was dark in this little corner, silent and still, and Nick barely had time to make a sound before Greg was abruptly pressed up against him, hot and moving and kissing, there was suddenly kissing going on, very nice kissing at that, and Nick couldn't help but moan into the mouth pressed against his. His hands grabbed for something, anything to hold on to, wanting to pull Greg closer, deepen the kiss, and there were sparks behind his closed eyelids; lights and taste and touch and heat. Then as quickly as it had started it was over, and Greg had pulled away. He looked at Nick's slightly dazed expression and smirked, turning back to study the drinks machine.

"You might want to close your mouth, Stokes."

"That was-" Nick lifted his hand to his lips, feeling hot and numb. "Um… what?"

Greg pulled some coins out of his pocket and started feeding them into the machine. His hands were shaking ever so slightly, but his voice was strong, confident. "I gave you my special coffee. I don't do that to just anyone, you know?"

"You, um," Nick was having trouble with coherency. His mind was filled with impressions of hard kisses and cloth and a new taste that clung just to the edge of his mouth and made him chase it with his tongue. "You kissed me."

"And yet, you're still talking."

Nick broke into a big grin, but there was a flash of uncertainty in his eyes that Greg couldn't fail to miss. "You kissed me!"

"Yes. Shh." Greg fished out a soda can from the machine, waving it at Nick. "That would be a signal. You might want to start paying attention about now." He started to head back to the lab, but Nick grabbed his wrist, pulled him back around the corner of the dispenser. He looked at Greg, who was licking his lips nervously, fingers clenched hard around the can.

"Are you being serious?" Nick was suddenly aware of how very quiet the lab was, as if the world was holding its breath, drawing out this single, so very important moment. "If you're kidding, just tell me. I mean, if you were just trying to get me to shut up, or something-"

"Hey," Greg said softly, and he reached up with his free hand to gently poke Nick's shoulder. "You talk too much." He leaned forward, and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of Nick's mouth. "You're also incredibly neurotic and funny-looking, but I like you. I also have a lot of work to do. So," he carefully shoved Nick backwards, "Go back, do your paperwork, and you can buy me breakfast after shift."

"So you meant it?" Nick was still looking a little anxious, fingers refusing to let go of Greg's wrist, and he realised his grip was nervously tight.

"Yes," Greg rolled his eyes. "Now, go, get back to the break room before Grissom comes looking for you." Nick let go his grip and watched Greg head off down the hallway, bouncing slightly as he went.

"Hey," Nick called out. Greg turned back to look at him, and Nick gave him a big smile. "Really?"

Greg glanced behind him, checking there was no one in earshot. "Really. And if you want to get laid before your next birthday, you'll be quiet now."

Nick let out a delighted laugh that had Greg smiling in amusement, before the younger man headed back into his lab. Nick wandered through to the break room, sitting down at the table and picking up his pen. Suddenly, being stuck inside all shift didn't seem so bad, and when Grissom arrived twenty minutes later, Nick was humming to himself as he filled out forms. Grissom looked down at him, bemused.

"You okay there, Nicky?"

"Yeah," Nick looked up, grin plastered all over his face. "Yeah. I got special coffee."
