Title: Bounce
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ryan Wolfe
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/CSI: Miami
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ryan Wolfe, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


"Are you sure this is the best place to look for a new bed?" Greg wrinkled his nose as he asked Ryan the question, looking around and spreading his hands out in front of him. "This is pretty confusing, Ry. Maybe we should go to some kind of mattress outlet."

Ryan shook his head firmly, a slight frown marring his brow. "No, we're going to get a big, comfortable bed from here," he told Greg, his tone brooking no argument. "I'm not going to just settle for something. I want us to have a really comfortable bed. Like yours."

Greg couldn't help laughing at that. "Okay, okay, you're right. I didn't come here when I got my bed, though. I got one of those contour mattresses, because I knew that I'd want to snuggle into bed and be really comfortable when I went to sleep."

"I'm guessing that's mainly because we see so much horrific stuff every day that it's nice to have the most comfortable bed you can possibly have when it's time to try to sleep and put all of that out of your mind," Ryan said softly, looking over at his boyfriend.

Greg nodded, looking a little sheepish. "Yeah, that's more or less why I wanted to be sure I would sleep comfortably when I went home," he mumbled, ducking his head. "I just never told anybody that before because I didn't want them to think I couldn't handle seeing awful things."

"I know you can handle seeing those things, even if there are people who think you can't," Ryan told him, squeezing his boyfriend's hand gently. "But I'd rather that you didn't have to deal with those things, Greg. I don't want them to scar you."

"They won't," Greg answered, shaking his head. "I knew what kinds of things I'd see when I took this job, Ry. And I know that it'd be worse out in the field than it was when I was just in the lab. I was prepared for that. I don't need to be coddled and protected, y'know."

"I know you don't, babe." Ryan wanted to get away from this subject; they were supposed to be here to pick out a bed that would be comfortable for both of them, not to talk about the things they saw every day as part of their work.

Greg seemed just as eager to get away from the subject as he was; he headed down one of the aisles that led to the back of the store as though he might know where they were going. Ryan followed him, more than willing to let Greg take charge of finding what they were looking for.

His boyfriend stopped walking at the end of the aisle, turning to look at Ryan with a triumphant smile. "I think I've found it!" he said, giving the other man a mock bow and stepping aside so that Ryan could see past him. "Welcome to our future bedroom!"

Ryan couldn't help laughing as he stepped from the aisle into what looked like an explosion of beds. There were all kinds of beds, all around them; they all looked comfortable and inviting. Ryan had no idea where to start looking, or even if they could test all of them in one day.

"It's a shame we can't get naked and make love on all of these, just to see what they're like," Greg said softly, his voice barely above a whisper, his words obviously meant for Ryan's ears only. "But I think we might get tired out before we made it all the way through them."

"I don't think everybody would appreciate us using the beds," Ryan protested, keeping his voice low. "You don't really think we need to give them a demonstration, do you? I don't want anybody looking at your cute little bare ass but me."

Greg giggled, putting his hand over his mouth to cover his mirth. Just as he did, a salesgirl came over to them, smiling and holding out her hand to Greg. Her interest was obvious from the way she looked at him; Ryan could feel his protective instincts rising front and center.

"My boyfriend and I want to check out some of the mattresses," he said, pitching his voice loudly enough to carry around the place. A few people turned to look, but most of them paid no attention, and Ryan was thankful for that. Maybe he'd spoken a little too loudly.

But his words had the intended effect; the salesgirl backed off, throwing a regretful glance at Greg as she turned to him to ask specific questions about what he was looking for. After a few moments, she left them alone, telling Ryan that they should look around before they made a decision.

"As if that wasn't what we're here to do!" Ryan whispered, wanting to snicker behing the salesgirls' back, but deciding to be polite and not do it. He looked around, wondering where to start first, then decided to test the bed right in front of them.

Ryan sat down on the bed, bouncing slightly and making a face. "Not bouncy enough," he decided, shaking his head. "I want a mattress that I'm going to be able to sink into and get really comfortable. Like yours. And one that'll be good to make love on."

"Like I said, we should be able to test all of them to make sure we get the one that's just right for us!" His boyfriend seemed unable to get away from the idea of making love on all of these beds, Ryan thought with a smile. Actually, it did sound like an interesting challenge.

"You don't seriously think that I could keep it up long enough to make love to you on every one of these beds, do you?" he asked, a teasing note in his voice. "It'd take days for us to do that. And we might make a mess, so that idea is out. Sorry, babe."

"I guess you're right," Greg said, sighing and affecting a downcast look. "And anyway, I don't want people seeing your cute little ass, either. The only person who has the right to look at that ass is me. I'd have to fight anybody who was gawking at how gorgeous you are."

Ryan laughed aloud, taking Greg's hand and pulling him over to another of the beds. Together, they sat down on the mattress, bouncing a little, then looking at each other and shaking their heads. No, this wasn't the one, either. It didn't bounce enough.

They tried several of the other beds, bouncing on them even more exuberantly than they had the first two, but none of them seemed quite right. They were either too soft, or they didn't bounce enough. Ryan was starting to feel as though they would never find what they were looking for.

Maybe he should just get the same kind of contour mattress that Greg had, he thought, heading for yet another one of the beds, though by now, he was looking more for a place to sit down and think than for an experimental bounce. It would be easier -- and less time-consuming.

However, when he sat down on the bed, it felt more comfortable than the others. He bounced up and down a few times, liking the way that the mattress gave under his weight. It wasn't so soft that he sank down into it, but it wasn't hard and ungiving, either.

"Hey, Greg, check this one out," he called aloud to his boyfriend, who was bouncing on another mattress and making a face. "I think I might have found what we're looking for." As though to demonstrate his words, he lay back on the mattress, closing his eyes.

Greg came over to lay down on the bed beside him, stretching out and getting comfortable. "Hey, I like this one," he said, turning his head to look at Ryan. "I think we might have found our bed. That is, if you like it. You're the one who's paying for a new bed."

Ryan grinned at him, reaching out to take his boyfriend's hand in his own. "I think we've just found the best bed I've ever slept on. That is, other than yours." He sat up, reaching for his wallet. "I'm going to grab this one before anyone else gets their hands on it."

"I don't think you need to pay for it right away," Greg said with a laugh, leaning back on his elbows. "Chill out, Ry. Somebody's going to come back over here in a few minutes to ask if we've found what we're looking for, and then you can make all the arrangements."

Ryan laughed and replaced his wallet, lying back down on the bed. "You're right. I'm getting ahead of myself here. I need to just relax and enjoy this for a while, don't I?" he asked, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. "I need to forget about everything that worries me."

"Let it all go, Ry," Greg said softly, reaching over to stroke his boyfriend's cheek. "I know you've got a lot on your mind, but let's lock it all away for today. There's enough time to think about all of that when we're working -- or any other time but now."

"I know what I'm thinking," Ryan told him, his voice soft and husky as he turned his head to look lovingly at Greg. "I'm thinking about going home after we've made all the arrangements to have this delivered, and picked out the frame for it -- and making love to you all day."

"That sounds like a perfect way to spend the day," Greg murmured, moving closer to Ryan and pressing a kiss against his cheek. "A lot more fun than bouncing on beds. Even though I've got to admit that was kind of fun, too. We should do it again sometime."

"When we get home, we'll both be doing a lot of bouncing on our own bed," Ryan promised him, sitting up and pulling Greg along with him. Hand in hand, they went to look to look for a salesperson, both of them ready to get their shopping done and rush back to their bedroom.
