Title: Can you believe it
Author: chocomkr
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Rating R/NC 17
Summary: Sara's given a gift of an otherworld type.
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: don't own, don't sue


Sara had pulled a double for the second time in a week. She was tired and frustrated over this serial rapist. There had been four victims so far and all four had died. Her co-workers had been noticing her diligence on the case and also noticed her inability to let it go, even for short periods of time.

"Hey Sara you wanna grab a bite to eat with me?" Catherine had asked.

"Thanks, but I think I'll pass for now. I'm trying to get my head around this piece of evidence."

"Sara, the evidence will be here when you get back. You never know, a break may give you a fresh perspective." Catherine urged.

Sara placed the evidence back on the table and rubbed her temples. Her rather large headache was becoming more difficult to work through.

"How long has it been since you ate last?" Catherine asked.

"Um, about 12 hours ago I guess." Sara responded after looking at her watch.

"Ok let's go Sara." Catherine said using a tone of voice Sara was certain was reserved for Lindsay, a tone that said 'don't even think of back talking me.'

Sara silently obeyed Catherine as she followed her out to Catherine's truck.

The drive was silent as they headed to a small restaurant out in the suburbs. Catherine wanted to pull Sara as far from the lab as possible to give her a break.

The two women walked inside and fumbled through the menu. The waitress came over to take their order.

The waitress was a thin woman, taller than Catherine but shorter than Sara. She had long coal black hair and the darkest of eyes either had every seen. She wore blue crystals in bracelets and rings on both hands and around her neck.

"What can I get you two lovely ladies?" She asked.

"I'll take blueberry pancakes and coffee." Catherine replied.
"I'll take a glass of orange juice and some oatmeal and toast." Sara replied.

As the waitress left Catherine looked over at Sara.

"Get a load of our waitress." Catherine chuckled.

"Yea no doubt. Looks like she has some real issues." Sara replied quietly.

"Every body has their story Sara." Catherine said. "Anything new in the case?"

"Not yet. I have gone over every piece of evidence from all the cases. The only thing that ties them together is the descriptions of the victims are very similar, thin dark hair and eyes, living alone. Also the way in which he kills them. He keeps them alive long enough to know he's raping them and then he suffocates them."

"Keep at it Sara. If there's something else there you will be the one to find it. You have a way with things like that."

"Thanks Catherine."

The waitress returned with their food and placed it elegantly in front of them. Then she grabbed Sara's wrist gently. "You have it too, don't you?"

"Excuse me? What are you talking about?" Sara replied.

"You have it; you just don't know you do. Be careful, it will make itself known to you at a time when you're most unready. You will know what it is when it happens. Don't try to control it right away, it will backfire. Learn your body and study what goes on when it happens. You and I share it."

"Share what?" Sara asked jerking her arm from the waitress's hand.

"You will learn of your gift in the time destined to you."

The waitress walked away from the table, leaving Catherine and Sara looking at each other in disbelief.

"What was that all about?" Sara asked.

"I'm not quite sure Sara, but it certainly weirded me out."

"Me too."

The two ate their meal in silence. When they were finished, Sara excused herself to the restroom. The waitress noticed they were finished and came to remove their dishes.

"We'd like the check now please." Catherine stated.

"It's been taken care of." The waitress replied.

"By who?" Catherine asked.

"That's not important. Watch over her. Her gift will be stronger than anything she has ever experienced. She will need your support and encouragement when it makes itself known to her."

"Ok this has gone far enough. What exactly are you talking about? What 'gift' do you think she has?"

"That's not for you and me to discuss." The waitress said as she walked away.

Catherine stood and collected her and Sara's purse and stood by the door, wanting to get away from the weird waitress as soon as they could.

The drive back to the lab was odd. Both wanted to talk about their waitress and what she said, but neither one knew now to broach the subject.

As they reached the parking lot Catherine broke the silence.

"Well, remind me next time we go eat not to go back there. She was weird, huh?" Catherine said.

"Yes, very weird. Thanks for picking up breakfast."

"I'd like to say you're welcome, but she wouldn't let me pay. She said it was taken care of."

"Too weird." Sara said as they walked inside.

Chapter 2

Without further conversation, Sara immediately returned to her 'office' and sat down with the evidence. There was something nagging at her, something she felt like she was overlooking. She pulled out all four case files and began looking over every detail, taking notes. When she had completed the fourth file, she looked at her notes.

*all four women were in their mid 30's
*all four women lived alone
*all four women had similar physical descriptions
*all four women worked minimum wage jobs in the service field

Sara took out the photos of the victims. She collected them all and went in search of Catherine.

She found her in her office and knocked softly on the door.

"What'cha need?" Catherine asked.

"Take a look at these photos for me. Tell me what you see." Sara said as she approached Catherine's desk taking a seat across from her.

"Well, they all have dark hair and eyes. They all are relatively small in stature. They all seem to have the same little brown spot on their inner thigh. What else?" Catherine asked.

"Isn't it bizarre that they all have the same mark in the same spot? I thought it was a mole or something in the first two so I went to talk to Doc Robbins. He said the mark wasn't raised above the skin.

"Maybe some kind of cult marking? If you like, I can do some research on the internet for you." Catherine offered.

"I'm not sure I would go so far as to say a cult marking. I'm sure lots of people have marks like that, like freckles."

"I don't know anybody who has a mark like that." Catherine replied.

"Well, actually you do. My mother always called it a Fairy's foot."

"Fairy's foot?" Catherine asked.

"Yea, the story goes something like a fairy got too close and its foot touched my leg. I just thought she was being silly or something." Sara said.

"This is going to sound really forward Sara, but would you mind if I took a look at your 'fairy's foot?" Catherine asked.

Sara stood staring open mouthed at Catherine.

"What? I just thought it might help the case."

Sara turned to walk out of Catherine's office and stopped at the door. "You coming or what?" She asked.

Catherine followed Sara to the locker room. Sara pulled her jeans down to her knee and turned her thigh outward. "See, it looks like a little foot." Sara said.

Catherine leaned in to take a closer look at the mark on Sara's thigh and could immediately smell Sara's scent. 'It's a good think I'm sitting down or I'd have fallen down.' Catherine thought to herself. 'Get a grip.' She thought silently.

"Well, it certainly does look like a little foot. Yours is in the same spot the as the victims. Did you ask the Doc what caused a mark like this? Is it truly like a freckle?"

"As far as he could tell it was just a patch of skin with darker pigmentation. Nothing more nothing less.' Sara replied.

Sara and Catherine headed to the break room for some coffee. "I can't believe it's already midnight." Catherine said.

"It's hard to keep the time straight working doubles and eating breakfast at 4 in the afternoon isn't it?" Sara chuckled as she poured a mug of Greg's famous coffee for Catherine and herself.

"Yes it is."

The two women sat in the oversized couch sipping their coffee and enjoying the quiet break when Grissom walked in.

"Sara I need you to head to the Summerlin Medical Center. The serial rapist struck again, this time leaving a survivor. Catherine you go with her."

Sara and Catherine stood and dumped their remaining coffee down the sink before heading out the door.

Chapter 3

They arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later and were told to wait outside in the chair area of the emergency room.

"The doctor is with her now. Once he completes his exam you can go on back." A pleasant nurse told them.

After a short wait, the doctor came out and motioned for them to follow him.

"She's going to be ok. He raped her, but she was able to get away from him after that. Her name is Eve." The doctor said.

"Eve what? Do you have a last name for her?" Sara asked.

"She said she only goes by Eve." The doctor said.

Sara and Catherine were stunned to see their waitress from earlier in the day sitting on the bed.

"Ah, nice to see you again Sara." Eve said.

"How did you know my name?" Sara asked.

"I knew it back at the diner." Eve said.

'She must have heard Catherine say my name.' Sara rationalized silently.

"Did you get a good look at the guy who did this to you Eve?" Catherine asked.

"I memorized every feature of his pathetic weak face."

"Would you be willing to work with a sketch artist to get a composite drawing? You may very well be the fifth victim in a serial rapist's spree. Any information you could give us might help get him put away."

"I'll draw you the picture Sara." Eve said.

"Ok Eve. My partner and I are going to get you some paper and a pencil. We'll be right back, ok?" Sara asked.

"Ok." Eve said.

Catherine followed Sara out into the hallway.

"How'd she know your name Sara?" Catherine asked.

"She must have heard you call me that at the diner." Sara said, trying to convince Catherine as much as she was herself. They walked down the hall to the nurse's station and requested some paper and pencil and returned to Eve's room.

"Here's some paper." Catherine said handing it to Eve. "Is there somebody we can call for you Eve? A relative or friend?"

"I have no one." Eve said flatly as she began to draw the face of her attacker.

The two sat quietly as Eve drew her picture. It took only a few moments before she was finished.

"Here is the face of the man who raped me." Eve said emotionless.

"Did he give you any drugs or alcohol?" Sara asked.

"No. Why?" Eve asked.

"Because you're acting very calm for just having gone through the horrible ordeal you have." Sara replied.

"His time will come Sara. His time for punishment will come."

"Eve, my partner here would like to take a DNA sample from you. The DNA from your attacker will still be with you. That way we can compare it to the DNA taken from the other victims."

"You won't find anything. He used protection." Eve said.

"Huh, a rapist with a conscious." Catherine stated quietly.

"This picture will be enough for you to run through your databases Sara. He will pop up shortly into the search. Don't be too surprised when you find him, but be very careful. You are just as much a target for him as were we. You have what he is looking for, Sara."

"What is that exactly?" Sara asked.

"You know deep down what it is Sara. Let your body tell you." Eve said as she stood up and began getting dressed. "Your case will start to come together quickly now. Keep your mind clear and let the evidence speak to you. Do not try to look too hard or your mind won't see it. Sit back and feel what the vibrations are telling you."

"Look Eve, I don't know what it is exactly you are trying to tell me, but it's all a bit bizarre. I don't believe in the whole psychic thing. I am a scientist."

"Yes, but even scientists are vulnerable to the psychic phenomenon. It's not about the crazy people you see on television, it's not even about the people who say their clairvoyant. Those of us who are truly gifted feel it in everything we touch. Most of us just have ourselves shut off to it. As I said before Sara, be careful. You will soon know of your gift."

Sara and Catherine turned and walked out of the room, every hair standing up on Sara's neck and arms.

"Don't listen to her Sara. She's just some wack job who thinks she can see into the future." Catherine said as she placed her hand on Sara's arm. She immediately pulled her hand away as the heat from Sara's skin almost seared her hand.

"What's wrong?" Sara asked, surprised at Catherine's reaction.

"Your skin is very warm Sara, are you feeling alright?"

"Certainly. I'm a little tired, but don't feel like I'm running a fever or anything." Sara said as she climbed into the truck.

The two drove back to the lab in silence once again. This case was starting to do more than weird Catherine out. In fact, it was starting to absolutely scare the shit out of her.

As soon as they got back to the lab, Catherine went in search of Grissom to discuss the case. She knew that it was Sara's case, but also knew that Sara needed some additional help, if for no other reason than to keep the crazy woman away from her.

Chapter 4

Sara took the sketch Eve drew and scanned it into the computer. Just as Eve had predicted moments later the computer identified the man. Sara printed off the results and headed to find Catherine.

She found her in Grissom's office and walked into his office.

"I got a hit off of the sketch Eve drew. His name is Tyler Haize. He lives up in Summerlin, where all our victims were from. He works nights at one of the freak shows here in town."

"Does he have any priors?" Grissom asked.

"Not here in Nevada, but in California, Montana and Illinois."

"All for rape?" Catherine asked.

"Yes. He served minimal time in each. They never could prove rape, but could prove assault and battery."

"Lucky for him." Grissom said.

"Unlucky for the victims here." Catherine said.

"Ok, go see Jim. See if you can get a warrant and we'll bring him in for questioning. Do you think Eve would be willing to come in and do a lineup?" Grissom asked Sara.

"I'll call her and ask her." Sara said as she headed to Brass's office.

A few moments later, Sara and Brass followed the three units to Haize's residence. The officer's secured him and his apartment and Brass and Sara joined them inside.

"Hmmm.' Haize said when he saw Sara. "You're one of them too." He said.

"Actually I'm with the crime lab." Sara said.

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it Sara." He said.

"How do you know my name?" Sara asked.

"I know a lot more about you than just your name Sara." He said.

"Get him out of here." Brass ordered.

Brass and Sara returned to his car.

"We need to make a stop before going back to the station." Sara said.

"Where to?" He asked.

"I want to stop by Eve's apartment and see if she'd come in and do the line up." Sara said. She handed him the address and sat quietly.

"How did this guy know your name?" He asked.

"I have no idea Jim. He's not the first one today that's called me by my name without me telling them."

They pulled into the apartment complex and found Eve's building.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Brass asked.

"No, I'll be ok." Sara said as she exited the car and made her way upstairs.

Eve was standing outside her door waiting for Sara when she got to the top landing.

"I knew you'd be coming. You caught him didn't you?" She asked.

"I'm not even going to ask how you knew that."

"Would you like to come in?" Eve asked, holding the door open for Sara to enter.

Sara walked inside. The single bedroom apartment was decorated primarily in blue, the same color as the crystals that adorned Eve's body.

"You have a thing for blue don't you?" Sara asked.

"So do you." Eve replied.

"Listen, we need you to come down to the station and identify this guy out of a line up. You are the only victim to survive his attacks. If you identify him we can lock him up tonight and prevent any more of his attacks."

"There will be one more attack before he's put away." Eve said.

"No there won't be. He's in police custody Eve. He's not going anywhere."

"I will go with you Sara, but only because someone needs to watch out for you."

Sara walked out of the apartment and Eve followed. 'This is seriously starting to weird me out.' She thought to herself. 'Great, now I'm starting to sound like Catherine.' She thought.

"She's very concerned about you, too. Sara. She feels very strongly about you."

Sara ignored Eve's latest comment as she closed the car door.

Chapter 5

Brass and Sara arrived back at the station with Eve in tow. Brass was having a hard time getting enough men together for a line up.

"Hey Sara, how about I just bring her past the interrogation room while you're questioning him."

"Ok." Sara said.

She headed to the interrogation room where Haize was already sitting and an officer stood behind him.

Sara entered the room and the officer took his position in the corner. Sara sat in front of Haize.

"Mr. Haize, where were you tonight around 11 pm?" Sara asked.

"I was taking care of some personal business." Haize replied.

"Do you recognize any of these names Mr. Haize? Norma Johnson, Elizabeth Gooding, Paula Swanson, Jessica Martin and Eve?"

"What would you say if I said yes Sara?"

"Did you rape and kill four of these women Mr. Haize?"

"Now, I'm not one for kissing and telling Sara." Sara scooted her chair back a bit from the table as she felt like the room was getting smaller and Mr. Haize's presence was getting bigger and more ominous.

"What would you say Sara if I told you I was simply doing my job?"

"And what job would that be Mr. Haize? Terrorizing and murdering innocent women?"

"They are far from innocent Sara. You are innocent. You do not know of your gift yet. I can tell. I can also tell you what Eve wouldn't. Your gift will make itself known to you when someone you care deeply for is put in harm's way."

"I've had enough of this nonsense Mr. Haize." Sara said as she stood and looked out the interrogation room window. A light rap on the mirrored glass told Sara Brass and Eve were standing outside. She was too busy thinking about Ever identifying Haize that she didn't see him as he picked up the chair he was seated on and swung it into the guard's head breaking his neck before he slid it under the door handle.

Haize was on Sara just as she pulled her gun. She aimed it at him and Haize smacked it with both his hands and in that rapid movement destroyed her gun. He threw her to the floor and was on top of her, one hand around his neck and the other fidgeting with the zipper on Sara's jeans.

The pounding on the window went unheard by Sara as Haize banged her head on the floor. The ringing in her ears drowned out all noise and then suddenly all went dark.

Outside, Brass and Grissom were fighting desperately to get the door open.

A cold breeze blew through the corridor, followed by one of intense heat. Eve focused on Haize through the glass.

"Please stop banging on the door. It's breaking my concentration." Eve said.

Both men stopped and looked at Eve in total disbelief.

Eve focused her concentration even more, sensing Sara was in immediate danger. Suddenly, Haize was thrown off of Sara backwards against the wall by some unseen force. As he stood to gather himself, flames started to appear on his hands and feet, and next his stomach. In five seconds his entire body was engulfed in flames.

The two men began their assault on the door again, yelling at Sara trying to wake her up.

"Do not worry. He is the only one who will burn." Eve said.

Chapter 6
Grissom and Brass stood their, their mouths agape looking at the man burning alive inside the small room. Eve was correct, nothing else burned but Haize.

"What the hell is going on?" Brass asked.

"I have no clue Jim. I have never seen anything like this before. Reminds me of a case Warrick and Sara had not too long ago in which Sara thought it was spontaneous human combustion. I didn't believe it then, but I'm starting to believe it now." Grissom said.

"Why haven't the sprinklers kicked on yet?" Brass asked more into the air than to any one in particular.

People had filled the hallway at this point to see what was going on. Catherine pushed her way through the group to find Sara unconscious on the floor and what was left of Haize smoldering in the corner. She banged on the glass, trying to awake Sara, but it was no use. She caught a glimpse if Eve out of the corner of her eye and she turned her body towards her.

"What the hell happened in there Eve?" Catherine asked in a whisper.

"He knew she had the gift. He had attacked her. I had to do something to protect her." Eve replied flatly. "Not too worry, she will be fine."

"How did that guy turn into a smoldering pile of ash Eve?" Catherine asked.

"More will be revealed Catherine. Right now you should tend to Sara." Eve said as she finally broke eye contact with the remains of Haize. Brass and Grissom began banging on the door once more. Sara stirred a little, fighting hard to stay conscious. She rolled over and saw the chair against the door. Weakly, she stretched out her leg and kicked it away. Catherine was the first one in the door.

"Lay still Sara. Let's get the paramedics check you out before you get up." Catherine said as she brushed the hair off Sara's face.

"What happened?" Sara asked.

"I'm not sure Sara, nobody is." Catherine replied.

"The familiar smell of something burning registered with Sara's mind and senses. "We have to get out of here, there's a fire." Sara yelled trying to get up.

Catherine held her down. "The fire is over Sara. You're fine."

The paramedics assessed Sara and took her out on a gurney. They wheeled her down the hall towards the exit. Catherine stopped and stood next to Grissom. "What's going on here Grissom?" She asked.
"Go with Sara." Eve said from behind into Catherine's ear. Once again the hairs on her neck and arms stood at attention. The breath on the back of her neck was chilling, not warm like most. "Go with Sara Catherine. She needs you. She trusts you. She feels secure when you are around. Pay attention to what her body is telling you, not her words." Eve said.

It was beginning to seem like every time Eve was around something bad happened, to her at least. The others didn't know of the weirdness at lunch. Catherine silently obeyed Eve, following the paramedics out.

"Brass, I think we need to take Eve someplace a little more quiet. She has some explaining to do." Grissom whispered.

"Yea, but I'll be damned if I'm taking her. What if I make her mad and suddenly I'm on fire?" He replied.

"The fire is reserved for certain people Mr. Brass. You are not one of those people. Where is it you would like me to go?" Eve asked.

"Come with me."

Brass, Grissom and Eve walked deeper into the lab and sat in Grissom's office.

"Eve, what did happen back there?" Grissom asked.

"Mr. Grissom, you are a scientist, much like Sara. She is a little more in touch with certain parts of her kinetic mind than you or Mr. Brass here. She listens to intuition. She can pretty much nail a person's personality on the dot every time, except when she lets her mind get distracted. You on the other hand Mr. Grissom have completely closed yourself off to the kinetic mind and any possibility that something like that exists. You are purely a must see to believe type of person. You rarely know the type of personality you are dealing with in people you come into contact with, especially those who work for you."

"Um, excuse me Eve, but this isn't really any of your business. I am just trying to determine what happened in that room." Grissom stated.

"What would you say Mr. Grissom if I told you that I set that man on fire?" Eve asked.

"I would say that was impossible. You had no physical contact with the man, you didn't have access to any flammable liquid and heat source to ignite it with. I would have to say that you had nothing to do with that man burning." Grissom said matter of factly.

"See Mr. Grissom, you only see things in the physical context. There are many other planes of existence. I am a PCG."

"What exactly is a PCG?" Brass asked.

"A Pyrokinetic, Cryokinetic, and Gyrokinetic. A Pyrokinetic is a person who can manipulate or speed up molecules in an object causing a fire effect. A Cryokinetic can manipulate temperatures and a Gyrokinetic can manipulate gravitational fields."

"So what you're saying is that you threw him back against the wall and subsequently set him on fire." Brass said.

"In layman's terms, yes." Eve replied.

"All of the previous victims were Pyrokinetic. Mr. Haize was what is known as an Extinguisher. He takes it upon himself to rid the physical world of Pyrokinetics. Each of the victims should have had a small brown spot on their inner upper thigh. People who don't know any better refer to them as a Fairy's foot."

"The story behind that is that a Fairy got too close and his foot touched the skin, leaving behind the print of the Fairy." Grissom stated.

"Very good Mr. Grissom. Your dear Sara has many talents she's not yet aware of. But more of that will be revealed soon enough." Eve said as she headed towards the door. "Now if you don't mind, I need a bite to eat. You care to join me?" She asked the men standing behind her.

Grissom and Brass looked at each other and followed Eve to the restaurant across the street. They were determined to learn more about her.

Chapter 7

Catherine was pacing in the waiting room of the emergency area of the hospital. The doctors were taking tests and x-rays of Sara to make sure nothing was broken or damaged in the altercation between her and Mr. Haize.

It was impossible to wrap her head around what she had seen in the interrogation room. She was scared to death as she saw Sara lying motionless on the floor, the guard dead in the corner and a smoldering pile of ash mere feet away from Sara. Eve's words from their previous two conversations played over and over in her mind.

'Watch over her. Her gift will be stronger than anything she has ever experienced. She will need your support and encouragement when it makes itself known to her.'

'More will be revealed Catherine. Right now you should tend to Sara.'

'Go with Sara Catherine. She needs you. She trusts you. She feels secure when you are around. Pay attention to what her body is telling you, not her words.'

Catherine had suppressed her feelings for Sara for so long. 'How could this total stranger know how I really feel for Sara?' She thought to herself. She was so consumed by her thoughts she almost didn't hear the nurse.

"Ms. Willows? The doctor said you can see your friend now." She repeated.

"Huh? Oh, thank you." Catherine said as she followed the nurse behind the curtain.

"She's going to be fine. Moderate smoke inhalation and some pretty deep bruising. Once her lab work comes back you can take her home." The nurse said as she left the two of them alone.

"Hey there, how are you feeling?" Catherine asked as she pushed the brunette's hair from her face.

"Ok. What happened back there?" Sara asked.

"I really don't have any clue. I'm sure Eve will have a lot of explaining to do to Grissom and Brass."

"I don't remember much. I was questioning Haize, then all of the sudden he's on top of me choking me. I passed out, but I remember feeling his weight fly off of me. When I came to he's lying in a pile of ashes but nothing else in the room was damaged."

"We'll talk about that later Sara. Would you come home with me tonight? Let me take care of you until you're better."

"I don't want to put you out Catherine. I'll be fine." Sara replied. She could immediately see the hurt in the older woman's eyes. She knew the hurt she felt because she had been on the receiving end of Catherine's brush off's before. "Actually, if you're sure you don't mind I would love to stay with you. This whole thing is way too weird."

Catherine's eyes perked up. "Yea, me too. I'm glad you changed your mind Sara."

"Me too." Sara replied.

The doctor came a few minutes later with Sara's discharge papers. The older woman wrapped her arm around Sara's shoulder and walked out of the hospital with her. Sara enjoyed the gentleness and warmness the older woman was sharing with her. She had dreamed about it for so long, wondered what it would feel like, what she would feel like. Sara let herself get too caught up in the fantasy and Catherine noticed.

"What were you thinking about?" She asked.

"Nice things and nice places." Sara replied, not wanting to divulge too much of her true feelings and thoughts.
"It must be a nice place. I don't know that I've ever seen that look on you before. It suits you well." Catherine said.

"If you only knew Catherine, if you only knew." Sara replied as she climbed into the truck.

Chapter 8

Grissom and Brass were sitting across from Eve at the diner. Grissom was making mental notes to himself about things to research once he returned to the lab. His phone began to ring breaking the silence.

"It's Catherine to tell you Sara's going to be ok and that she will be staying with Catherine for the next few days." Eve said, never taking her eyes off of her meal.


"Hey Gris its Catherine. We just left the hospital. The doctor said Sara will be just fine. I'm taking her to my house for the next few days. We're headed there now."

"Ok Catherine. Thanks for the update. Keep an eye on her please." Grissom said staring intently at Eve.

"Will do Grissom. Bye." Catherine said.

"It's not me she needs protection from Mr. Grissom. She needs protection from other extinguishers." Eve said.

"Is there anyway to detect one of these so called extinguishers?" Brass asked sarcastically.

"It would be in your best interest Mr. Brass to take very seriously what I am about to tell you. You have powers within yourself Mr. Brass, very similar indeed to those I possess. Your mind is closed to them, but your soul thrives on them. You are a judge by nature. Your personality makes you want to seek reconciliation and justice. It is as much a part of your blood and being as being a Cryokinetic is in mine. You allowed your mind to follow its given tendencies. You are just as powerful as someone with many aspects of kinetic abilities."

"So you're saying that everybody has these tendencies and it is part of their being they have just closed themselves off to it?" Grissom asked.

"No. Not everyone has these powers and not all who possess them can control them or chose to do what is right with them. It is a very difficult thing to master the power of being able to set things on fire. It is just as difficult not to let everything freeze from the power of being a Cryokinetic. Each person has been given these abilities because they were thought to be able to achieve some good."

"So tell me what you know about Sara and why you felt the need to protect her." Grissom said.

"She has gifts of her own. They have not manifested themselves to her yet. I know Sara's nature. I know her strengths and weaknesses. The only gift I will share with you about her is she is Psychometabolic."

"And what exactly is that?" Brass asked.

"Grissom, have you ever noticed that Sara can go seemingly days without eating?"

"Yes, I just thought it was her drive to keep working."

"No, actually the Psyker can survive on mental thought alone. They still need to eat, but they can go weeks or months without food or water if necessary."

"Hmm. You seem to know a lot about Sara, but yet you only met her when she stopped by to pick you up for the ID."

"Actually, I met her and Catherine yesterday afternoon when I waited on them at the diner. I touched her wrist. I saw many things about her. I saw her hopes and aspirations, her dreams and desires. I know who she loves and wants to spend the rest of her life waking up next to. I know she wishes she could somehow measure up to your expectations of her Mr. Grissom."

"I'm very proud of all of my CSI's Eve." He replied defensively.

"Then maybe you should tell her. She longs for your approval, as well as that of the one she loves."

"Who does she love?" Grissom asked.

"That's not for me to tell. Not to worry Mr. Grissom, it's not you."

Chapter 9

The two women arrived at Catherine's home. They went inside and Sara immediately took a seat.

"Are you feeling ok Sara?" Catherine asked.

"Yea, just very tired." Sara replied as she laid her head down on the pillow.

Catherine sat next to her, pulling Sara's legs to rest on her own. Sara looked at her with surprise at the woman's actions.

"Is this ok?" Catherine asked, not sure how to read Sara's reaction.

"Certainly, you've just never taken the time to touch me in any way and today you've touched me several times. It's just different. I like it." Sara said as she nestled into the pillow.

Catherine pulled the blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over Sara's body. She looked so peaceful as she tried to sleep. Her face looked so innocent.

"Catherine, I need to know something." Sara asked quietly, keeping her eyes shut.

"Anything Sara."

"What did I do to make you hate me so?" She asked.

"Oh Sara, I don't hate you. I know things have been rocky between us since you came here."

"I know my arrival was stressful for everybody. I just would have thought after four years things would have gotten better."

"Sara, our relationship is the way it is because I never really gave you a chance after you came to investigate Warrick. It's my fault Sara. It was nothing you did or didn't do."

"I wanted so much to be able to give you and Lindsay closure. After I had to close the case I felt so bad inside. I knew I had let both of you down. Things seemed to get worse after that."

"I needed somebody to be angry with and you unfortunately were the easiest target. I want things to change between us Sara. I want to make a serious go at having a friendship with you outside the lab."

"What if I want more than that?" Sara asked before she had a chance to stop herself.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." Sara tried to cover herself.

"Tell me Sara. Are you attracted to me?" Catherine asked nervously.

"I've already said too much." Sara said as she crawled off the couch and headed for the door. "If I've made you uncomfortable I'll leave. The last thing I wanted to do was cause you any pain."
"Sara, come back here." Catherine said softly.

Sara looked at Catherine's face so full of hope that she would take her seat on the couch. Sara walked over and sat next to Catherine, her head looking at the floor under her feet and her hands clasped tightly on her lap.

"Sara, from the very first day I met you, even though things were crazy at the time, I wanted you. I didn't know how you felt or what your reaction would be if I acted on those feelings. It was easier for me to push it aside than deal with the potential rejection."

"You want me?" Sara asked surprised.

"Yes. In every way possible." Catherine admitted.

"Whew, that's a load off my mind." Sara said. "I'm glad you feel that way, because I feel the same way. I have wanted to touch you, hold you, and kiss you too many times to count."

"I nearly fell over when you took me to the locker room and pulled your jeans down. It took all my willpower not to throw you down right there and have my way with you."

"Gees, if I'd had known that I'd have pulled my jeans down for you a long time ago." Sara smiled.

Chapter 10

Catherine leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Sara's lips as she wrapped her hands in Sara's silky hair. Sara immediately missed the feel of Catherine's lips as she pulled back to look deep into Sara's chocolaty eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for quite some time." Catherine whispered.

"I've wanted you to do that for quite some time." Sara replied. The two gazed into each other's eyes, neither one wanting to push things until the other was ready. Seeing the desire in Sara's eyes, Catherine leaned in and kissed Sara once again, harder and more passionate this time.

Sara whimpered a little as the kiss progressed. Catherine immediately pulled away. "Are you ok? Do you want me to stop?"

"No I don't want you to stop, but this split lip is making it difficult to enjoy." Sara said.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot."

"Yea, me too." Sara chuckled.
Catherine pulled Sara into her, placing her head against her chest and wrapped her arms around the younger woman. Sara rearranged herself to make it more comfortable for both of them. Catherine had scooted back against the arm of the couch and Sara had stretched out. Catherine laid her head on Sara's hair and nuzzled in.

"Um, Sara, I think you need to take a shower."

"I'm sorry, do I smell that bad?" She asked.

"You smell like burnt flesh."

The two began to laugh as Sara looked at Catherine's face all scrunched up.

"Yea, you're probably right. I think I'd like to just throw these clothes away. No amount of washing will get that smell out."

"I'll get you some shorts and a t-shirt until we can get some of your things from your place. The shower is in my bedroom, second door on the right at the top of the stairs. There are some extra towels and washcloths in the cabinet next to the sink. Go on up and I'll bring us something to eat." Catherine said.

"Ok." Sara said as she headed upstairs.

Sara started the shower before stripping her smelly clothes off. She grabbed a towel and washcloth and climbed in the steamy shower. She heard Catherine come into the bathroom.

"Did you find everything ok?" Catherine asked.

"Yes, thank." Sara said over the water.

Catherine toyed with the idea of slipping into the shower with Sara while at the same time Sara was hoping Catherine would join her. Sara could see Catherine's figure standing outside the shower, but couldn't tell if she was watching her or facing the other direction.

Chapter 11 NC-17

Sara decided Catherine wasn't going to join her. She was both relieved and disappointed. She stuck her head back under the hot water, letting it cascade down her tight body. Suddenly she felt two hands working their way through her hair, lathering it up with shampoo.

"I wasn't sure if you would join me." Sara said.

"Me either, but I couldn't resist you any longer." Catherine said leaning into Sara's back.

The sensation of Catherine's breasts pushed against her back made Sara weak in the knees. Catherine sensed this and wrapped her arms snuggly around Sara's muscular stomach. Sara laid her head back against Catherine's shoulder enjoying the attention. She turned her head and planted a kiss in the nape of Catherine's neck.

Catherine's hands took on a life of their own as she poured shower gel down Sara's chest. She began to rub the gel into Sara's skin, releasing the aromatics as she did so. Sara moaned into Catherine's ear. This response from Sara urged Catherine on.

Her soapy hands massaged Sara's breasts working their way ever lower down Sara's long lean body. Sara shivered as Catherine's hands found a tickling spot just below her belly button. Catherine paused long enough for Sara to work through her giggles before continuing lower.

"Um, not that I don't want this to happen, but I want to be able to return it as well. I'm not sure I will be able to just yet." Sara whispered.

"Shhh. Just enjoy it. There will be many other times." Catherine said as her hands worked their way down Sara's thighs. Catherine was a tease; she knew this was driving Sara crazy. She just wanted to enjoy this moment, make a mental map of all the right places for future reference.

Catherine brought one hand back up and around Sara's waist as her other hand moved over her inner thigh, climbing higher and higher. The instant Catherine's fingers touched her lower lips; Sara felt a wave of electricity coursing through her body. She arched her back, desperately wanting to feel more of Catherine's hand between her legs.

Catherine responded but spreading Sara apart and running her long finger up and down Sara's slit. Sara's hips bucked against the touch. Catherine braced herself against the wall and inserted two fingers deep into Sara's center.

"Oh my." Was all Sara was able to say as Catherine picked up the pace of her thrusting. She leaning into Sara's neck and nipped at the skin she found there then kissed it softly, lightly licking the same spot with her tongue.

It didn't take Sara long to climax. She had dreamed of this moment for years. Sara's muscles spasmed tightly around Catherine's fingers, trying desperately to draw her in deeper. Catherine remained inside Sara until her convulsions stopped before gently removing her fingers.

"That was everything I thought it would be and more." Sara said through ragged breaths.

"Good." Catherine said as she kissed Sara softly on the mouth.

Chapter 12
The doorbell pulled Sara's attention away from Catherine.

"You should probably go see who that is." Sara suggested.

"I'd rather stay here." Catherine protested.

"I would rather you stay here too, but the person ringing the blasted doorbell doesn't seem to agree."

"If it's Grissom I'm going to have to kill him." Catherine chuckled as she headed downstairs.

Sara dressed and went down to see who was there.

"I really don't think this is such a good idea Eve." Catherine said.

"She needs someone there for her when the gift manifests itself or it could cause her serious harm." Eve replied.

"What's going on?" Sara asked walking up behind Catherine and wrapping her arms around the older woman's waist.

"Eve thinks she should stay here with us, to keep an eye on you." Catherine said.

"I agree with Catherine Eve. It really isn't a good idea. I have all the help I need right here." Sara said nuzzling into Catherine's neck.

"Sara you don't understand the power behind the gift you have been given. Once it decides to manifest, you aren't going to know how to control it. You will need the help of someone with the same power to teach you how to control it. The power left untamed will cause great harm to everything around you, even those you love." Eve said.

"What if I don't want this supposed gift Eve?" Sara asked. "What if I don't want to have anything to do with it?"

"You have no choice really Sara. It has been given to you. It is your responsibility to learn to manage it."

"I'll tell you what Eve. I will call you if anything weird happens. You can come to me then. That's all I'm prepared to offer at this point." Sara said flatly.

"Promise that you will call Sara. I would hate to see your gift harm those you love." Eve said as she turned and walked out of the house.

Sara stood watching Eve leave, frozen in her spot.

"You alright honey?" Catherine asked.

"Huh? Yea, I'm fine. She just gives me the heaby jeabies is all." Sara said.

"How about we go out for dinner, my treat." Catherine offered.

"Sure, ok. I wouldn't mind getting out for a little bit." Sara accepted.

The two went upstairs and prepared for their night out.

Catherine took Sara to this quiet little place out in the suburbs. She wanted Sara to enjoy herself without overdoing it. The restaurant was slightly dark, candlelight emitting a soft glow.

The two ate quietly, conversation was minimal.

"You're awful quiet Sara. What's wrong?" Catherine asked.

"Nothing. You see that man in the navy blue shirt and khaki pants two tables over to my right? He's been staring at me since we walked in. It's making me uncomfortable."

"I'll pay the bill and we can go home."

"Thanks Catherine."

Catherine motioned the waitress over and paid the bill. She collected Sara and the two of them walked out into the hot night. Sara looked around before getting into the car.

"You're starting to worry me Sara." Catherine admitted.

"I don't know what it is Cath. The hair on the back of my neck is standing on end. Something's not right." Sara commented.

Sara was watching the car behind them in her side mirror as Catherine drove.

"Drive around for a bit Catherine. I think someone is following us." Sara said as she picked up her cell phone and dialed Grissom.

"Hi Gris, its Sara. Look I need a favor. Have Brass run this license plate, I think we're being followed."

"Ok Sara, what's the plate?" Grissom asked.

"Nevada plates, FNY 8954."

"Ok. Stay on the line Sara; I'm going to put you on hold."
Catherine was watching the driver in the rear view mirror. His face was calm as could be, no emotion present. Catherine took a few turns along the strip trying to determine if indeed he was following them. After she turned into the parking area of the Bellagio Sara's suspicions were confirmed.

"Sara? It is registered to a Marc Hammond of Reno." Grissom stated.

"What does he look like?" Sara asked.

"Six foot, two inches, blonde hair, green eyes, 220 pounds with a scar on the right side of his face extending from the eye down to the chin."

"Thanks Gris. We certainly have a tail. We are now leaving the Bellagio hotel going south on the strip. Ask Jim to have a car intercept us at Tropicana."

"Will do Sara, be careful."

"We'll try." Sara said as she hung up the phone.

"What'd he say?" Catherine asked.

"The guy's from Reno. His name is Marc Hammond. Just drive to Trop and we'll be fine." Sara said hopefully.

Catherine drove the two minutes to Tropicana and just as Sara had asked, a cruise with lights going pulled the car behind them over. Catherine stopped the car and Sara exited the car and walked to the officer.

"Sir would you please step out of the vehicle?" Officer Smith asked.

"What's going on here officer?" The man asked.

"What's going on is you have been following us since we left the restaurant." Sara barked. "What the hell do you want?"

"You must be Sara Sidle." The man replied.

Sara turned to see Catherine walking towards her with Grissom and Eve.

"What if I am?" She asked.

"Then I have a message for you." The man said as he took a step towards Sara.

"What might that be?" Sara asked as she stepped backwards.

"I'm here to collect your soul." The man said as he grabbed Sara around the neck, picking her body up off of the ground.

The officers drew their weapons, shouting at the man to put Sara down.

"Put your weapons down men or I will kill her." The man said looking back at Sara. "Now!" He yelled.

The officers put their weapons on the ground and backed away from them.

The man turned his attention back to Sara, watching her eyes and the life that was slowly slipping from them.

"It's nothing personal Sara. You have a gift that needs extinguishing. Nothing more and nothing less." The man said, tightening his grip on the young woman's neck.

Sara noticed Catherine slowly approaching them from the side. The man appeared to be too busy to notice. All of the sudden the man took a gun from his side pocket and pointed it in Catherine's direction and fired a single bullet. Catherine fell immediately to the ground, a red spot on her chest getting bigger and bigger.

Sara struggled hard against the strength in the man's hand. She thrashed out, kicking the man in the shin with one foot while the other connected with the man's groin. He dropped her hard to the ground. Sara scampered away towards Catherine. She turned to look back at the man as he had stood from his crouching position on the ground. She shot him a look of death and instantly the man was trapped in a ring of fire.

She turned her attention back to Catherine as she lay lifeless on the ground before her.
Eve had walked over to the ring of fire and kept an eye on the man.

"Oh Catherine, please hang on." Sara cried. "Don't go baby. Hang on." Sara kissed Catherine's lips softly as her cries turned to sobs.

"She's gone Sara." Grissom said placing his hand on her shoulder. "She died instantly Sara, look where the bullet hit her." He said pointing to her heart.

Sara picked Catherine up in her arms and rocked her, whispering into her ear.

"I love you Catherine. I will make this up to you I swear." Sara sobbed.

Eve and joined by Grissom's side.

"Watch closely Mr. Grissom." She said.

The two watched quietly as a white aura encased Sara and Catherine. The light slowly got brighter and brighter until Sara slumped over onto the ground.
"What the hell just happened?" Grissom asked.

"Sara just healed Catherine's wounds. It's part of her Psychometabolic gift. The only problem is that she didn't have the strength to keep herself alive."

"What are you saying?" Grissom asked as he kneeled down beside Sara.

"She gave her life to save Catherine's. She used all of her energy to heal Catherine without saving any for herself.

Grissom felt for a pulse on Sara and just as Eve had said, Sara was dead. He in turn felt for a pulse on Catherine.

"Get a medic here right now!" Grissom yelled. "She's alive."

He returned to Sara and picked her up just as he had seen her do to Catherine only moments before.

"Is there anything you can do for her Eve? Please, can't you do something?" Grissom begged, tears flooding his cheeks.

"There is only one thing I can try. I've never done it before so I don't know if it will be successful."

"Try Eve, please." Grissom pleaded.

Eve walked over to Sara and took her from Grissom's arms. She chanted something so soft Grissom wasn't able to hear what was being said. After what seemed like an eternity, a blue aura encased Eve and Sara. Grissom stood by watching as the blue fog dissipated from Sara's body and was absorbed by Eve's.

Eve continued absorbing the fog until it disappeared. Sara gasped loudly for breath as Eve laid her back down on the ground.

"She will be fine now Mr. Grissom. She will be weak, very weak, but she is alive."

"What did you do Eve?" He asked.

"It's much like it is in the magic world Mr. Grissom when one wizard absorbs the power of another. Sara no longer has her gifts, even the ones that had yet to manifest themselves. She is a strong woman. I have never seen someone who has never used the power of Pyrokinetics do it without causing serious harm to all those around. I must go now Mr. Grissom. Other's who seek to extinguish her power are not far behind."

"Will they continue to try and hurt her?" Grissom asked.

"No. They will follow the power, the power that I have just taken from her. She and Catherine and all those around her will be safe forever more." Eve said before she turned and walked away.

As she passed the man in the ring of fire, Eve pointed to the man and snapped her fingers. The man was engulfed in flames.

Chapter 13

Grissom watched as Eve walked away, the officers transfixed on the fire before them. The medics had Catherine and Sara loaded onto the stretcher and in the ambulance.

"I'm riding with Catherine Grissom. She seems to be stronger. You ride with Sara." Brass said as the medic closed the door and the ambulance sped away. Grissom climbed in with Sara as the medic prepared her for the ride to the hospital.

"She's got a strong pulse Grissom. She'll be fine." The medic said.

Grissom picked up Sara's hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed it gently, whispering reassuring words to Sara. Her eyes opened. She tried to speak but was too weak.

"She's ok Sara. You saved her life." Grissom said.

The ride to the hospital was short. The two older men waited in the chairs area of the ER for any word. An hour later the doctor approached them.

"Detective Brass and Mr. Grissom?" He asked.

"Yes." They said standing.

"Both will be fine, no long term damage of any kind. They both need copious amounts of rest. I'm giving them explicit instructions not to work for at least two weeks, three if at all possible. They've both been through a tremendous ordeal. I've seen this many times before. Trust me, they'll be fine."

"What do you mean you've been through this many times before?" Grissom asked.

"If you see Eve again, tell her Roger said hello and she did a marvelous job with these two." The doctor said before turning and walking away.

"Do you ever get the feeling the whole world knows about this Pyrokinetic stuff and we're just getting a clue?" Grissom asked.

"Well Gil, I would have to say that one has to be open to just about anything these days. It's not something science can explain, so I would expect you to have a hard time wrapping your head around it." Brass said as he tossed a small blue aura ball from one hand to the other, smiling as Grissom saw the display of power.

"Send them to Hawaii for a couple of weeks Gil. They deserve it." Brass said as he turned and walked out the door, leaving Gil Grissom speechless and picking his jaw up off of the floor.

"Who'd have thought?" Grissom said aloud.



Catherine and Sara had overcome the grip of death, both having fully recuperated. As Brass instructed Grissom, he arranged for a two week vacation to the volcanoes of Hawaii.

There were staying in a small bed and breakfast near Kilauea. Their first night there they spent hours on the beach watching the volcano's gentle flow. It was unlike anything either had ever seen.

"Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" Sara asked in astonishment.

"Almost the most beautiful." Catherine replied as she took Sara's face in her hands. Catherine slowly began exploring Sara's mouth, licking every surface available. The beach was quiet as most of the tourists had gone in for the night. Taking advantage of the privacy and the beautiful surroundings, Catherine laid Sara down on the blanket and wrapped her legs over Sara's. The sound of the shore not too far away provided the rhythm as Catherine kissed Sara again, moving her way down Sara's long neck, dipping between her breasts.

Sara arched into Catherine's touch, quickly losing herself in the feeling. Catherine unbuttoned the remainder of Sara's shirt, brushing it to each side, allowing her access to Sara's front closure bra. Her nimble fingers made quick work of the clasp and she peeled each cup from Sara's heaving breasts. She could see more than feel Sara's breathing becoming ragged as the gentle breeze brushed against her now bare nipples, causing them to come to life.

Catherine bent down, taking a nipple in her mouth, she swirled her tongue over the erect skin, lightly nipping and sucking. With her other hand, she slowly moved down Sara's torso until she reached the button of her shorts. Just as with the shirt, Catherine undid the buttons there and in fluid movements slipped her fingers in between Sara's legs, brushing the skin there, adding minimal pressure.

Sara arched her hips trying to get Catherine's fingers to go where she so desperately needed them to be.

Not tormenting her lover very long, Catherine finally sank her fingers deep into Sara's wet center. She moved between her legs, without removing herself from Sara. She used her body to grind her hand deeper and harder into Sara. Sara met each thrust, desperately pulling Catherine closer to her by wrapping her legs around Catherine's body.

Catherine left Sara's breast, and created a trail with her tongue down to where her hand was thrusting. As her tongue touched Sara's engorged clit, the sensations sent Sara over the edge, her body convulsed in such ecstasy. Catherine continued until Sara's movements ceased before lying on top of her love.

"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen Sara." Catherine whispered.

"I love you Cath." Sara replied.

"I love you too, baby."

The two lay there for a few moments, allowing Sara to ride out the wave of pleasure before Sara returned in kind.

The next morning, they each found a postcard to send the graveyard shift.

Hey Gang, Hawaii is wonderful. Hope you are well. We'll see you in a few days. Love C & S

Star trails over the Mauna Kea Observatories at night. The lines in the sky show the motion of stars caused by the rotation of the Earth. Note the different colors of the stars.

-Grissom, I saw this and thought of you. Thanks for everything. Love, S.

The two spent most of their days in bed, feasting on and spoiling one another. Something wonderful had come of the whole Eve situation.

"Who'd have thought we'd be here together, in bed, for three days now." Sara stated.

"Yea, can you believe it?" Catherine said as she kissed Sara passionately.

