Title: Cool
Author: sarcasticsra
Rating: G
Pairing: gen
A/N: Thanks for beta'ing, Kelly.
Summary: Warrick is cool.


Warrick Brown was cool. Collected. He didn't lose it for anything. His one vice - the one thing that would zap away his control even just a little - had been gambling, which was now under his control.

He saw horrible thing every day, but he tried to live his life knowing he was helping. He tried his best to not let it get to him, to stay cool. Even when the horrors he experienced did get to him a little, he was still Mr. Cool. He had to be. He had to keep people grounded, right?

He wondered just how many people saw through his facade. It was hard work pretending. One day, he vowed to drop his act, if only for a moment, to get some help for himself.

Only Warrick never knew when that day would come.

