Title: The Days of Wine and Vodka
By: coldbeer
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Rated: PG-13
Challenge: Melrose Place titles
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: 100
Author Notes: It isn't Sunday yet.


You find yourself leaning in, drawn to the other woman's radiant energy. It feels like the only thing to do, but as your lips collide with Catherine's you know you've made a terrible mistake. There is an awkward moment as you realize Catherine has placed her hands on your shoulders only to gently push you back.

"No, Sara."

Catherine's face reflects worry, friendship, every single emotion you never hoped to find there, and you're ready to turn away in cold humiliation. But Catherine reaches out and touches the side of your face.

"Not like this."

She takes the drink out of your hand.
