Title: Dinner
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRAO
Disclaimer: I don't own them. They are owned by various executives, producers, studios and writers who have more lawyers on retain than I ever want to mess with. Not making any money and promise to return them....some day.
Summary: Dinner and conversation.
Beta: Lynn (Janet)
Series: Escort Service, The Phone Call & The Meeting
Genre: Slash
Challenge: Lover 100 – Horatio/Speed
Prompt: # 65 – Want
Word Count: 767


Horatio dried the two of them off while they traded slow passionate kisses. If the shower was any indication, both men were looking forward to the rest of the night. The redhead slipped his jeans and shirt back on, pointedly leaving off his boxers with a cheeky grin towards Tim.

"Dinner should be here soon, get dressed..."

He was cut off by a warm body pressed against his and a hard deep kiss. "What if I don't want dinner? Skip straight to desert."

Horatio moaned and returned the kiss with equal passion. "You’ll need your energy." He gave the bare firm ass a slight swat. "Get dressed and meet me out in the sitting area."

Tim leaned against the wall and sighed. He was already half hard, just thinking about things to come. Horatio's touch was so intoxicating. His kisses were passionate and full of emotion... 'Stop it right there Tim. You're paying him to be in love with you.' Tim got dressed and ran a towel over his hair. He looked into the mirror. 'You're pathetic.'

He stepped out of the bathroom, only to have tantalizing smells assault his senses. His stomach growled on cue. He blushed and looked down. Horatio chuckled lightly and motioned him closer. As Tim approached the spread on the table, the redhead pulled him close and kissed him softly. He moaned into the kiss, seeking more. Horatio pulled back with a smile.

"Dinner first." He held out the chair for him. "I ordered filet mignon, with red potatoes and asparagus."

Tim sat down and looked up at him in a bit of shock, "My favorite."

Horatio leaned forward and kissed the top of his head, "I know." He sat down across from him and picked up his fork. "Eat."

Timothy grabbed the fork and dug into the meal. He really hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he looked down at the plate and noticed it was empty. Blushing slightly he picked up his wine glass and sat back sipping it; the taste was smooth. Horatio knew his wines. "So..." Tim paused.

"How was work?" Horatio asked simply. "I know you've been stressed."

He set the glass down and frowned slightly. "It’s been hard. With everything, sometimes you just want to tell them to go fuck themselves and ..." he gestured with his hands slightly. "Run."

The redhead sat back with a sigh. "I know the feeling. Sometimes you wonder why you even bother."

"Because no one seems to really care," Tim finished reaching for his glass again. "But then..."

"You get that one person that reminds you of why." Horatio smirked.

"You do understand," He looked over at the escort. "How?"

"You see a lot in my field," the redhead shrugged. "A lot of bad, the scum of society..."

"Why?" Tim asked. "I mean why?"

Horatio was tempted to just tell him. Tell him the truth, that he wasn't an escort, that Tim had dialed the wrong number. "Actually... I'm..." He stammered. Why was so hard to actually tell him. 'Because you want him.' "I'm really not..."

Tim looked down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, it's really none of my business. I mean..." He ran a hand through his hair. "See this is why I'm terrible at these things, I screw it up with stupid questions and then they usually hate me or think I'm some conceited...." His rambling was cut off by a hard kiss.

"It's okay, you just caught me off guard." Horatio pulled him out of the chair and into his arms, kissing along his neck. He shoved a leg between Tim's legs and rubbed the growing erection. "I see someone’s up for desert."

"Oh God..." Tim moaned as he thrust against the redhead. "You do things to me..."

"I know, love." Horatio whispered into his ear. "Let me make love to you. Worship you like you deserve."

He buried his head into the escort’s shoulder, a small whimper escaping. "No one..."

Horatio tipped his head back and took those soft lips into another deep kiss. "They were fools... Let me in Tim... Let me love you."

"Yes." Tim breathed.