Title: In the Night Sky
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ryan Wolfe
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas /CSI: Miami
Rating: PG-13
Warning: on-going series
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ryan Wolfe, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Ryan awake slowly, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. It took him a moment to realize that Greg wasn't in bed beside him, and then he was wide awake.

Where was his boyfriend: Ryan wondered, throwing back the covers and reaching for his boxers. He pulled them on, his feet already on the floor before another thought could cross his mind.

He padded down the hallway, hoping that Greg was in the kitchen.

It only took a moment to look into the kitchen and realize that his boyfriend wasn't there. Now he was really starting to get worried. Where could Greg be at this time of night?

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief when he stepped into the living room and saw Greg there, silhouetted against the light from outside, standing as still as a statue.

The moonlight that poured in through the balcony doors was so bright that it was almost as though Greg was bathed in daylight. The moonlight silvered everything that it touched, limning the planes of Greg's handsome features. Ryan wanted to stand there and look at his boyfriend forever.

Was there anyone in the world as beautiful, as desirable, as his Greg? He didn't think so. To him, Greg Sanders was the most beautiful creature in the universe.

Every time he looked at Greg, he fell a little more in love. And seeing him like this was no exception. Ryan was sure that he could feel his heart turning over in his chest.

His heart was full to overflowing; surely some of that emotion would spill over.

How could anyone be so beautiful? Ryan's breath caught in his throat; he froze for a moment, sure that Greg would hear him and turn around, break the spell of the quiet ahd the moonlight.

He loved seeing Greg like this, moonlight washing over his profile, illuminating his features so that Ryan could study him and marvel at his beauty.

How he he gotten so lucky as to be with a man like Greg? Not only was he beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, as well. Ryan knew how deeply Greg cared about other people, his family, his friends. He cared for animals, and for the victims of the crimes that they encountered every day.

Greg had the most giving heart of anyone he'd ever known. He was proud to be the person who this man had chosen to be with, and he would always carry that pride with him.

Slowly, he moved forward, knowing that Greg would probably see him out of the corner of his eye and turn around. But Greg didn't move; he simply stood there, looking out at the moonlit world.

Ryan moved forward without speaking, wrapping his arms around Greg from behind. He smiled as his boyfriend leaned back against him; it was obvious that Greg had known he was there, but he hadn't said anything, probably not wanting to break the spell that the moonlight cast over them.

He looked out at the night sky, the silvery moon, the sparkling stars, holding the man he loved in his arms. A sense of peace unlike anything he'd ever felt before settled over him.

Could there be anything more perfect than these moments? Ryan didn't think so. Everything just felt so right, as though his entire life had been leading up to this.

For all he knew, maybe it had. And he wouldn't turn away from it.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he whispered into Greg's ear as they both looked out at the silvery moon and the twinkling stars high overhead. "Like it was made just for us."

"Maybe it was," Greg answered, his own voice hushed and quiet. "It feels like it's just the two of us, doesn't it? Us and the stars up there in the night sky."

Ryan nodded, swallowing hard to keep back the onrush of tears that suddenly wanted to come into his eyes, and the lump that had formed in his throat. How romantic could this night be? It was perfect for lovers, perfect for the two of them -- and yet, he didn't feel that he had the words to express how he felt.

"I love you," he whispered, his voice deep and throaty. They were the only words he could think of to say, the only words that were in his mind and in his heart.

But maybe they were the only words he needed. They came directly from his heart and soul; he meant every syllable of them, those three little words that meant so much.

Greg turned in his arms, facing him, a smile curving his lips.

"And I love you," he said, his voice just as husky and deep as Ryan's. It was the voice he used when he wanted to seduce, and Ryan knew it well.

Oh, he knew what that deep huskiness in Greg's voice meant. It meant that they would be heading away from the stars and the silvered fairyland that the world had become, back into their bedroom, where they would only have eyes for each other. And Ryan didn't mind that at all.

Winding his arms around Greg's slender waist, he leaned forward, brushing a gentle kiss full of promise across the other man's lips, feeling Greg's body warm and pliant in his arms.

When he opened his eyes, all he could see was the love in Greg's face.

All of the stars in the night sky didn't shine as brightly as the love that was written all over his boyfriend's handsome features. That love was shining through, for all the world to see.

Ryan was sure that the love he felt in his own heart was shining right back at Greg as they made their way back to their bedroom, leaving the twinkling stars in the night sky outside the window.
