Title: Little Rainstorms
Author: Nora
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but this laptop, and that's on credit.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Challenge: Extreme Weather Conditions.


Her love is like a tornado working it's way through my body to my heart and I'm convinced that one day she'll rip it out of my chest.

Words she says shower my body like over-sized hail stones, they're cold and fierce like her voice.

When she wants, she drowns me in shallow puddles that the rain left behind the night before.

The night before when she made-love to me, that was when I trembled like a mini-earthquake as her fingers gently moved across my body.

She causes extreme feelings and extreme conditions inside of me. She's like a Rainstorm.
