Title: Make the Happiness Last
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ryan Wolfe
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/CSI: Miami
Rating: PG-13
Table: Fluff, mission_insane
Prompt: 2, Lie In
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ryan Wolfe, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Greg sighed contentedly as he rolled over and snugged up beside Ryan, sliding his arms around the other man. He loved long, lazy mornings like this, when they'd had the day before off work, and they didn't have to worry about getting up until later in the day.

He was sure that Ryan enjoyed this just as much as he did; his boyfriend hadn't been sleeping well lately, and Greg was glad of a chance for Ryan to sleep in and get the rest he needed. Not to mention that he loved cuddling up to his boyfriend in the early morning hours.

This was how he would wake up every day for the rest of his life, Greg thought with a soft smile. Ryan would be here next to him, either sleeping comfortably, or already awake and patiently waiting for him to wake up. And after that, there was no telling what would happen.

There were so many things they could do at this hour of the morning, he mused, closing his eyes and letting himself relax. They could either just hold each other, or go back to sleep .... of they could make love, and get the day started off with a literal bang.

Somehow, just lying here beside Ryan while the man he loved slept seemed just as good as spending time making love. No one else had ever made him feel like this; Greg didn't believe that there was anyone else in the world he could be so comfortable with.

It wasn't just that he was comfortable with Ryan; it was that they were so much on the same wavelength that they didn't need to be physical all the time for each of them to know that he was loved. All it took to convey that love was one smile, one touch, one look.

He didn't need to touch Ryan, or kiss him, or even be near him to know that his boyfriend loved him deeply. He could catch Ryan's eye across a crowded room and know that he was loved -- and desired. Ryan's eyes told him everything he wanted to know.

Greg was sure that Ryan saw that same love mirrored in his eyes; there were times when he didn't understand how the people around them could not see it. How could anyone see the two of them exchange one of those looks and not know how they felt about each other?

But somehow, no one seemed to have caught on, which was a good thing. Well, he was sure that Nick knew, Greg thought with a wry smile. He and Nick had been friends for too long for that secret not to be out. But Nick wasn't going to say anything to anyone.

Nick wanted him to be happy; they'd been close friends for a long time, and Nick had seen him go through a few relationships that not only hadn't been what he'd expected, but that hadn't made him happy in the least. Ryan made him happy, and he was sure that Nick heartily approved.

He'd never been as happy in his life as he was since he'd been with Ryan. This was the life that he'd always wanted to lead -- and never thought that he would have. He'd spent so long thinking that one bad experience from years ago would color his life forever.

Then Ryan had come barreling into his life so unexpectedly, changing everything with one look, one smile. All it had taken was that first look for him to fall head over heels -- and wonder of wonders, Ryan had felt the same way. It was like a fairy tale, a dream come true.

Before Ryan had come into his life, he'd doubted that he would ever find anyone to love him -- or ever be able to fall in love. He'd dated a few people, but no one who really made him feel as though he wanted to spend the rest of his life with them. He'd thought that he was fated to be alone.

And then .... there had come that fateful day when Ryan had walked into the crime lab and been introduced as the newest CSI. Everyone had known that there would be a new person joining them, but Greg hadn't expected to fall in love with that person at first sight.

Now, months later, here he was, living with Ryan, more in love than he'd ever thought he could possibly be, and so happy that it almost felt as though he was living in a wonderland. Every day was special, now that he had Ryan by his side sharing those days.

Could this kind of happiness last? a little voice piped up in the back of his mind. Or was this only temporary, a castle built in the sand that would only come crashing down on him when he least expected it to? Was he always going to be this happy, or would it all end?

Of course it wasn't going to end, he told himself firmly. He and Ryan were going to stay together for the rest of their lives; there would be many, many more days like thus, days of lying in bed together, sharing their warmth and their hearts, as well as their bodies.

Greg doubted that he ever would have had this anyone but Ryan -- until he'd met this man, he had never been able to let anyone get this close to him physically. He might have gotten past those problems eventually, but he was sure it would have taken much longer.

No one else would have ever touched his heart and soul in the way Ryan did. He firmly believed that there was one person in the world who had been meant just for him -- and Ryan was that person. Now that they had found each other, they would never part.

They might not always agree on every issue; they might still have arguments, even fights. But he was sure that those disagreements wouldn't last for long, and that they would never go to bed angry. He couldn't imagine not spending every night in Ryan's arms.

Maybe he was getting spoiled, Greg thought with a smile and another contented sigh. He'd never had this kind of a lie-in with anyone else -- and he'd never wanted one. But with Ryan, he wanted to just stay here in bed all day beside his lover, thinking about him and about their future.

He really didn't need much more than this to make him perfectly happy -- a long, lazy day in front of them before they had to go to work tonight, with Ryan next to him, in his bed and in his heart. With Ryan in his life, this happiness would never fade away.

How many more times would he lie here in bed with the man he loved, listening to Ryan breathe and waiting quietly for him to wake up? Greg didn't know, but he hoped that ti would be a lot. He hoped that number would be higher than he could possibly count.

He wanted them to be like this every day; he wanted to spend as much time as he could reveling in the peace and happiness that just being beside Ryan brought him. This was a balm to his soul; he couldn't remember ever feeling this peaceful in his entire life.

This was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life, Greg thought with a smile, propping himself up on one elbow and looking down at his sleeping lover. He wanted them to always be this much in love -- and he wanted to make their happiness last for all of eternity.

Just as that thought coalesced in his mind, Ryan stirred, opening those incredible green eyes and smiling up at him. Greg bent to press his lips against Ryan's cheek, and then to kiss him, losing himself in the warmth of his boyfriend's embrace and the strength of his love.
