Title: Names
Author: redpixie
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Summary: This has been running round my head all day because I stated to say Greg Stokes and changed my mind half way through realising I had it wrong. Established relationship.


"Go on then. What did you what to talk to me about?"

Greg grinned at him from the other side of the table. "Not very romantic are you?"

"No. I can tell you're nervous as hell and you're scaring me."

Greg ignored this and leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table. "So," He said, and paused, making Nick even more impatient. "Sanders-Stokes or Stokes-Sanders?" He almost laughed with relief. He had been practicing saying that for almost a week, always wanting to say Standers-Sokes.

"What, what or what?" Nick looked at him in confusion, not realising what Greg was asking.

Greg reached into his pocket and put a ring box on the table between them. "Marry me?"