Title: Which Path To Take
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Nick Stokes
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 37, Moon
Author's Note: Sequel to "At the Right Moment."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination,and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Danny Nagano, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Nick smiled as he stood by the bedroom door, watching his love sleeping.

He hadn't been able to sleep himself, so he'd gotten out of bed and gone into the kitchen for a glass of juice, hoping that it might settle him down.

Of course, it hadn't, and he wasn't going to get back into bed next to Greg and risk having his restlessness wake the other man. Greg needed his sleep; they'd been working hard lately, putting in some overtime, and he worried when Greg didn't get enough rest.

He worried about a lot of things when it came to Greg, Nick thought with a sigh. He worried about his past would affect him in the future most of all.

He wished they could simply leave that past behind.

But that was more easily said than done, and he knew it. Greg had been traumatized, and the man who had caused those traumas was still out there, free as a bird.

Shane would eventually be caught and put on trial for what he'd done to Greg, and Nick didn't doubt that he would end up behind bars for life. But until he was caught, Greg would never feel completely at ease. Nick wanted all of that to be over and done with, so they could move on.

He wanted Greg to be able to close the door on the past, and move forward into the future. He had already done a good job of that, but there was still further to go.

And now, as he watched the moon shine down on his sleeping lover's face, Nick wished more than ever that the past could simply disappear.

If it could, then he and Greg would both be a lot happier. But even once Shane was caught and put in prison, Greg still had to deal with the traumas that he'd suffered, exorcise them from his mind and let them be firmly in the past. Nick only hoped that he could eventually do that.

He would be there beside his love, every step of the way. Greg wouldn't be trying to deal with his past alone; he would have all the support and love that Nick could give him.

He hoped that it would be enough.

Nick didn't know which path to take, but he also knew that it wasn't his choice to make. Greg had to be the one to decide how his healing would progress.

Whatever path his boyfriend chose, Nick knew that he would follow, right by Greg's side, and give him all the love he had within him. He smiled as he watched his love sigh softly in his sleep, a small smile curving Greg's lips. Nick hoped that the younger man was dreaming about him.

Or about the two of them, and the life they shared and would keep sharing in the future. It looked as though Greg was having a very happy dream.

With that thought, he turned away, heading back to the kitchen.
