Title: Sitting still
By: lewis771750
Challenge: LJ Moods - mellow
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, Jerry and the people at CBS would never be quite this twisted:) But it is all just for fun, honest.
Spoilers: This is pure PWP, what spoilers could I have put in?
Words: 100


I was sitting there unmoving and content.

I'd just had a long hard day in court, but the jury had understood what I'd told them and convicted the guy on 15 counts of sexual assault. The streets were safer tonight, in part thanks to my work.

I was sat leaning back in a comfy chair with my lover between my legs, leaning back against me.

We'd celebrated the success of the case earlier with a fine meal and a couple of glasses of wine each.

Now we were relaxing together. Full, happy and knowing all was right in our world.
