Title: Far away, so close
By: Alison
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Rated: PG
Spoilers: None
Challenge: Cath's Birthday
Disclaimer: Dear Mr Bruckheimer, please can Cath and Sara come out and play for a while. I promise to return them as I found them.
Word count: If you believe Word, 906
AN: Just a quickie. probably rubbish but I wrote it in about ten minutes


Cath was upset and I didn't blame her. It was her birthday and I was going to be out of town. It was planned before we got together, and nothing could be done about it. She was pissed off all the same.

"I wanted us to have a special night together. I need you."

I could hear her pouting down the phone. "Trust me, I would much rather be there with you. You think I like spending time with a bunch of science geeks whose idea of a good time is boasting about their Star Trek memorabilia collections?"

She laughed then. I love that laugh, all giggly and cute. I wanted to get on a plane, fly home and take her to bed. "Tell Lindsay I love her. And I love you too." I might not be with her on her birthday this year, but I was damn sure we would be together next year, and the year after that. For always.
