Title: Stolen Moments
By: quettaser
Rating: PG (I'm always surprised when my fic turns out PG, 'cause I just don't feel PG)
Fandom: CSI: Vegas
Pairings: Nick/Greg
Summary: Done for starry_midnight who asked for Nick and Greg with da babies. Set about 10 years in the future. It's Emily's first day of school.


He never heard the car in the mornings, she always did. Today was no different. Cereal forgotten and spoon tossed aside, she raced for the door.

"Daddy's home! Daddy's home!"

Greg never got the door all the way closed before she was there, hugging his legs tight. Nick always leaned out of the kitchen to watch him crouch down and give their daughter a kiss. It was a morning ritual...well, at least the mornings Greg came home. Between the doubles, triples and overtime it wasn't nearly as constant as he'd like. But that never mattered, it was always the same.

"Hey there, sugar pants," Greg would always say.

And she would always smile really wide and ask, "How many bad people did you catch?"

The answer was always, "Lots." Sometimes they'd linger there, in the living room, talking, laughing, sharing secrets, but there wasn't time for that today.

"Em, come finish your Cheerios, we've got to go soon," called Nick, pulling Greg's favorite mug from the cupboard and filling it with fresh coffee.

They still moved slowly, holding hands, talking softly to each other, Emily regaling Greg with the dream she had had that night. "And then, there was this big, pink elephant who blew bubbles from his trunk."

"Bubbles from his trunk?" laughed Greg, handing Emily her spoon as she climbed back into her chair.

She nodded, smiling around a big spoonful of Cheerios.

Greg turned, taking the mug from Nick's outstretched hand and leaning in for a quick kiss.


"What?" asked Greg, turning back to the squirming little girl.

"Kissing's gross."

"Please say that again when you're sixteen," said Nick, kissing the top of her head and picking up her empty cereal bowl. "Now go put on your shoes and grab your backpack." As she hopped out of her chair, Nick looked back at Greg, taking in the sagging shoulders and tired eyes that hid behind his smile.

"I'll help you with your tie," said Greg, putting his coffee down and heading for the bedroom. And this was a morning ritual too, a short five minutes of quiet, hidden in their bedroom, Greg picking out Nick's tie and putting it on, an excuse to be close, and to touch, to feel.

They had made so many sacrifices to have Emily, but the one that hurt the most was the time they didn't spend together anymore. A few stolen moments in the morning and maybe an hour for dinner, where they certainly aren't alone. Even when Nick had given up the field for a desk job with steady hours and Greg had turned down a promotion on days so that he could stay home with their daughter, they were still fighting the clock, fighting their own exhaustion. And now, with Nick finally promoted to Assistant Director and Greg the head of the graveyard shift, work took up even more time.

Still, Nick thought it was worth it, watching their daughter grow right before his eyes, hearing her laugh, seeing her learn. And proving to Greg that DNA wasn't everything.

Greg pulled out a soft striped blue tie, his favorite. As he looped it around his neck, he sighed, his eyes focused on the closed bedroom door, ears hearing the faint sound of Emily humming. She was never quiet, unless she was sleeping, so much like Greg.

"Does she have to go to first grade? Can't we just home school her forever?"

"Yeah, and which one of us would give up our jobs to do it?" replied Greg, tying Nick's tie.

Nick turned back to him, noticing the new lines on his partner's face, the few gray hairs emerging at his temples.

"Don't worry about it, Nick. She's a strong girl, she'll be just fine. She's wearing her cutest outfit, she's got the coolest backpack and all her pencils have Spongebob on them. A six year old couldn't be happier." He made some final adjustments to Nick's tie, then laid his hands on his chest, leaning forward, placing his cheek against Nick's.

Nick's arms moved automatically, wrapping around Greg's back, pulling him closer. He held them still, maybe if they stopped moving, time would stop as well.

"I miss you." He felt Greg's eyelashes against his skin, felt his whisper.

"I miss you too."

It was another long moment before Greg spoke. "I almost forgot what you felt like."

Nick felt the beginning of tears prick at the edge of his eyes. He breathed deep, memorizing Greg's smell, the feel of his body against his, the sound of his breathing. He hoped that he and Greg never got close to forgetting again. "I'm taking a sick day tomorrow."

"But you're Assistant Director, you can't-"

"I can and I will. I don't want to end up one of those couples who are bitter because they stopped having sex when they started having kids." Nick felt Greg's laugh.

"You have to go take Emily to school."

"I know," said Nick, still holding onto Greg.

"You do know that it requires moving, right?"

"Mmm hmm," Nick murmured in agreement. He leaned back, kissing the light worry lines on Greg's forehead, his graying temples, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and his soft lips, that tasted just the same.

"Love you," Greg spoke against his lips, eyes shut, and Nick knew he was caught up in the moment, committing it to memory.

"Love you too." Nick brought his hands up to cup Greg's face.

Greg's eyes opened and Nick was almost overwhelmed by the raw emotion he saw swimming there.

"Tomorrow is for us," said Nick, placing one last kiss on those warm lips he missed so much.

"Daddy, come on!" Emily burst into the room, jacket and backpack on, an eager smile on her face. "I have to go to school."

"Alright, peanut," said Nick, laughing, letting his hands slide from Greg. "And what have I told you about knocking?"

She pouted a little, knowing he wasn't very angry at all and then her brilliant smile returned to her face.

Greg walked them to the door, promising Emily to pick her up after school and to look for him by the flag pole.

Emily took Nick's hand, grinning up at him with a familiar smile, one he saw reflected on Greg's face. He couldn't help but smile back, he'd never know how he got so lucky, exhaustion, frustration and conflict and all. He wanted nothing more than to keep both his loves locked up in their house for the rest of their lives so he could have them all to himself. Kiss Greg, kiss Emily, hold them close and never let go.

But this, this was good too.
