Title: Stronger Together
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ryan Wolfe
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/CSI: Miami
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 10, Weakness
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ryan Wolfe, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Ryan looked down at the report on his desk, barely seeing it. He couldn't get the words that he'd exchanged with Ecklie earlier out of his mind; it seemed as though those words would be branded there forever, a constant reminder of the secrecy his life was shrouded in.

"Greg is your weakness, Ryan. I know you're close, and I know you're good friends. But you can't let that get in the way of your job."

If Ecklie only knew just how close they were, Ryan thought wryly.

If their boss knew that they were lovers, that they weren't neighbors but actually lived together, he would more than likely blow a gasket -- right before he assigned one of them to a different shift and made sure that they would never be able to work together again.

Ecklie wasn't a bad guy, Ryan told himself with a sigh. He just didn't believe that there should be personal relationships between colleagues that went beyond close friendships. That was a stance he wouldn't change; Ryan was sure that the no-dating rule would stay in place.

He didn't want to work on another shift, away from Greg. He didn't want to have to spend all of his working time, as well as the time when he would be at home and Greg would be working, worrying about whether or not his boyfriend was safe. He wanted them to share their working hours.

Was that a weakness, wanting to be with Greg all the time? Was Ecklie right?

His lips thinned as he stared down at the paper on his desk unseeingly. It didn't matter if Ecklie was right. He loved Greg, loved him more than he'd ever thought he could be capable of loving anyone. Maybe that was a weakness, but he didn't care.

He didn't consider working with Greg a weakness. They were stronger together than they could ever be apart; he was sure that Ecklie realized that, or else he wouldn't issue a warning like that, yet still let them keep on working together. He knew that they made each other stronger.

Greg wasn't his weakness. Greg was his strength, his rock. Greg was strong where he was weak, shoring him up and imparting strength when he needed it.

And he was damned if he would give that up, either in his professional or personal life.

Ecklie would just have to get used to him and Greg being a team, even if he thought that they were each other's weakness, Ryan told himself firmly, pushing his chair back from his desk. If they had to prove that they were stronger for being together, well, then that's just what they would do.
