Title: Tossing and Turning
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ryan Wolfe
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/CSI: Miami
Rating: PG-13
Table: 3, csi50
Prompt: 24, Sleepless
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ryan Wolfe, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Greg opened his eyes, blinking in the bright sunlight that came through the slats of the blinds in the window. He could tell that the sun was setting outside; the pink hue coming through the blinds was proof of that. He and Ryan would have to get out of bed before long.

Sighing, he rolled over onto his side to face the window, careful not to pull the covering off Ryan. The other man was sleeping soundly next to him; Ryan hadn't slept well for the past few weeks, and Greg wanted him to get all the rest that he could.

Too much was happening to them at once, he told himself, closing his eyes and letting one fist clench on a handful of the sheet. He didn't like this plan that Ryan had for flushing his Miami nemesis out into the open; it was far too dangerous, with too many risks involved.

But there was no way that he could talk Ryan out of going through the plan; he knew his boyfriend far too well for that. Ryan would talk his way around all of Greg's objections, just as he had with Brass and the rest of the team. He would win in the end.

Meanwhile, worrying about Ryan, and about what could possibly happen in the near future, was giving him more sleepless nights than he could handle. He hated not being able to sleep; it made him feel that he was too vulnerable, not ready to deal with problems when he was awake.

So far, he hadn't been having problems at work due to any sleeplessness, but he had the feeling that they would inevitably happen if it took much longer to put Ryan's plan into action. The more days that went by, the more stress and pressure Greg felt.

He didn't want to dwell on the specifics of the plan that Ryan had formulated; he just wanted it to be over, and for the man they were looking for to be caught and safely behind bars. He wanted that bastard locked away before he could have a chance to hurt Ryan again.

Greg shuddered at the thought of what had happened to Ryan before they'd met, before his boyfriend had left Miami. He didn't want to think about that, either, but whenever he thought about the danger that Ryan could be exposing himself to, it was inevitable.

This wasn't a good idea. He felt it in his bones, in his heart. He didn't want Ryan to go through with this, even if it would mean that the man who had been threatening them both would be caught. It was too much of a risk for his boyfriend to take.

He didn't want Ryan to be thrown into any kind of danger, and something told him that this wasn't going to go as smoothly as his lover seemed to think it would. Maybe, deep down, Ryan felt the same way, and just didn't want to worry him by talking about it.

If that was the case, it was sweet of Ryan not to want to worry him, but he was too late for that. Greg sighed softly, looking over at his sleeping lover. He was going to worry about Ryan until this was over, and nothing could keep him from doing so.

It was terrifying to think that his boyfriend was making himself so vulnerable, willingly putting himself into a situation where he could easily be hurt again, even worse than he had been the first time. Greg didn't want to think about just how badly Ryan could be hurt.

Just the thought of his boyfriend having to endure the kind of torture he'd already been through at the hands of the man he was now trying to trap made Greg want to cry out in protest, to wrap Ryan in his embrace and not let him go, to keep him as safe as possible.

But Ryan would never let him do that, Greg thought with another soft sigh. Ryan was the sort of man who would always try to right any wrongs on his own, even if that wrong had been done to him personally. Especially it if had been done to him.

He was proud of his boyfriend for standing up to this criminal, but at the same time, he was terrified that Ryan's bravery might get him hurt -- or killed. He was supporting his boyfriend's plan against his better judgment, wishing that he could find some way out of it.

There was no way out. He might as well accept that, and simply try to have Ryan's back as best he could. There was nothing else that he could do, not when Ryan was so determined to go through with this, and the whole team, as well as Jim Brass, backed him up.

That translated into a lot of sleepless nights, Greg thought, lying back against the coolness of the pillow and closing his eyes. It was probably useless to try and go back to sleep again, but he didn't want to wake Ryan by tossing and turning.

He hated not being able to sleep; it made him feel jumpy and nervous, as though he was waiting for some sort of main event, holding his breath while he grew more and more tense, waiting for a moment that was being drawn out into eternity.

But that was exactly what he was doing, wasn't it? He was playing a waiting game, praying that this plan would work out as Ryan thought it would, that his boyfriend wasn't putting himself into more danger than he would be able to handle, that he would be kept safe.

What if things didn't work out like that? What if Ryan had made a grave miscalculation, and his nemesis was waiting for this chance to finish what he'd started back in Miami, long before Greg and Ryan had even met? What if Ryan was going to be cruelly ripped away from him?

No. He wasn't going to think like that. Greg shoved the thought away from his mind, pushing it back into the recesses of his consciousness and slamming a door firmly on the idea to lock it away. He couldn't let himself think that way. Not when there was so much at stake.

This plan was going to work. Ryan was going to come through it with no problems, and he was going to be safe. They were going to catch the man who was such a threat to them both, and they would be able to go on with their lives and forget this unpleasant little interlude.

These times when he woke up and was unable to go back to sleep because he was so worried for Ryan's safety were becoming more and more frequent, Greg thought as he forced himself to lie still. He didn't know how much longer he could deal with them.

Resisting the urge to punch his pillow, Greg turned over to look at Ryan again before closing his eyes, hoping that he would be able to go back to sleep for a while. Hopefully, this would all be over soon, and his restless nightly tossing and turning would be a thing of the past.
