Title: True Love
By: Lucky1742
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG
Summary: Greg's reaction to the hooker in Ending Happy Fluff.


"Open up please." Greg said holding up the swab to the hookers mouth. "Honey, come by and see me later. I can show you a better way to get DNA." She giggles, and the other girls laugh along with her. Greg laughs and shakes his head. "Sorry ladies I'm a taken man." He says swabbing the inside of the hookers mouth, once he removed it she smirked. "Well that's to bad." Greg smiles and moves to the next girl. "Open." He says holding another swab. The next girl grins at him. "Say sweetie if you ever need someone, you know where to find me." She says suggestively, opening her mouth. Greg swabs and go to the next girl. she opens her mouth and Greg takes his sample. "If you ever want a real woman.." She starts but is cut off. "I don't think he wants a real woman." Nick says coming to stand next to Greg. "These ladies giving you any trouble?" He says placing a hand on Greg's shoulder. "No not at all Nicky, thanks though." Greg says smiling at the older man. Nick smiles at the hookers. "Now be nice to him ladies, this is the love of my life right here." Nick says kissing Greg on the cheek. Greg blushed madly, Nick chuckled and walked down the hall to process a room. "Well that's some man you got there." A blond hooker said. Greg blushed even more. "Don't I know it."
