Title: Buffy vs. Dracula
Author: warlordkittens
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Fandom: CSI
Rating: soft R
Challenge: Buffy titles
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Bruckheimer & co
Word Count: 209
Author Notes: Um. Sarapallas fixed the occasional error.


There’s something about forces colliding, some cliché Catherine can’t remember right now, that seems so poignantly right for the situation right here.

She closes her eyes and her mind and opens her legs and her lips.

There’s something about Sara’s mouth on her thighs that makes her forget, but she can’t put her finger on it so she digs it in Sara’s skin where redness appears and blood quickly follows. Blood on Sara’s back, blood underneath Catherine’s nails.

She’s got a destructive need in her to kill and be killed.

There’s a moan that escapes her mouth and freezes in space, a tiny ice droplet that falls on her hot skin and melts there.

She melts on Sara’s tongue, and maybe she’s that cliché she’s been thinking of all along.

Self-loathing overcomes fear, and oblivion never really existed outside the world of fiction.

Las Vegas wraps around her neck like a rope, and Sara’s fingers trace circles on her stomach as she breathes humidity in and out of her lungs in measured breaths.

She thinks idly of the paradoxal toxins in carbon dioxide.

There’s a stain on the ceiling in Sara’s apartment that’s still visible in the moonlight, and Sara’s asleep when she drapes one arm around Catherine’s waist.
