Title: I always run new ideas through my subconscious before I act on them.
Author: twisted_badger
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Fandom: CSI
Rating: PG
Challenge: Top 32 Excuses For Sleeping on the Job
Spoilers: none
Word count: 200
Summary: Sara POV


I’d wait for a minute first,
Hand her a coffee
I’d play with my hair.
Shift from side to side.
Then, start to chat nervously.
I’d say ‘Sara, get a hold of yourself.’
I always run new ideas through my subconscious before I act on them.
Always have to plan every move first.
Have to map all the possible out comes.
She could say yes.
Or no.
I think she would say yes.
But if she said no…
I could lose what we have.
What do we have?
I love her.
She loves me.
Is it worth it?
If it all goes to hell.
If she never wants me to hug her again.
She won’t.
She’s a friend.
She loves who I am.
But what if she says yes.
It’s worth it.
I know it is.
My palms are sweety now.
I can imagine every way she will move when I walk over.
Every breath she will take.
But it’s not the same.
She starts to walk over.
But that wasn’t in your plan.
Catherine walks over.
Every curve and line more than what you thought it was, every movement faster, slower, deeper.
“Dance with me?”
