Title: I get my inspiration from dreams.
Author: twisted_badger
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Fandom: CSI
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Top 32 Excuses For Sleeping on the Job
Spoilers: none
Word count: 200
Summary: Sara POV


Sara rolled over in bed.
Waking up from a sound sleep.
One that had not found her for years.
Until Catherine came into her everyday existence.
She helped her sleep.
Helped her.
She was always in her dreams.
As Sara’s eyes opened the morning sun bit into her dream fiercely.
But they stayed with her.
Her dreams…
Whenever Sara woke up she had a feeling in her heart, like it was smiling, like it was happy.
She hadn’t felt that for a long time.
But she didn’t have nightmares anymore.
Sara reached over and brushed Catherine’s hair lightly.
Lightly enough that she knew Catherine wouldn’t wake up.
Sara looked at her, getting lost somewhere between waking and sleep.
Somewhere between light and dark.
Catherine’s body and hers.
Sara knew she used to be lost.
She knew it in her head.
But those feelings seemed so far from where she now lay…
Sara just couldn’t believe she had been in that place.
Catherine hadn’t fixed her,
She had had to do that herself.
Catherine hadn’t been there for the nightmares.
She was there in her life now.
In her dreams.
And in both, Catherine was her inspiration.
