Title: Inca Mummy Girl
Author: warlordkittens
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Fandom: CSI
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Buffy the Vampire Slayer titles
Spoilers: Butterflied
Disclaimer: Bruckheimer & co
Word Count: 201
Author Notes: My first Sara/Cath. My first Sara anything.


Sara is preoccupied with dead bodies and butterflies.

She stares through glass and hopes for nothing, examines her reflection in the barrier instead of listening. She imagines that Grissom is a fish in an aquarium and that his words swim from his mouth like bubbles.

Her eyes fixate on his mouth and she thinks of water and air.

Where Catherine’s fingers touch, suddenly, she burns. She looks at Catherine’s blue eyes and wonders how Cath’s long, cold fingers make her shoulder go up in flames, up in smoke.

Her eyes widen as the fire undresses her from her skin and she’s left bare of her inhibitions and what-ifs, her constant whatevers. She thinks of dead bodies and butterflies and which one she’d become come the Apocalypse. Under Catherine’s gaze, she’s a skeleton, unable to fly, feet of bone digging their grave slowly where she stands.

“Sometimes, there’s the girl who offers you nothing, but you take it anyway.” Catherine motions with her head towards the safety of Grissom’s fish tank.

“Sometimes, there’s the girl who drags you down to hell with her.”

She tries to sound fearless, but there’s still a tint of uncertainty at the end of her words.
