Title: Doublemeat Palace
Author: warlordkittens
Pairing: Cath/Sara
Fandom: CSI
Rating: G
Challenge: Buffy titles
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Bruckheimer & co
Word Count: 110
Author Notes: Hi.


“Wow, look at this place!” Catherine’s eyes explore the big room, eyes traveling over random body parts. A disgustingly sweet, deathly smell enters her nostrils almost immediately.

“I’d really rather not,” Sara replies, trying very hard not to react to the smell. She follows Catherine in reluctant steps.

Catherine’s lips stretch in an impressed line. “Man, that’s what I call a good massacre.”

“That’s what I call a… oh, God.” Sara places her hands on her stomach.

“Come on, Sara, there’s nothing like the smell of twelve disassembled cadavers early in the morning.”

“Your social life must be so much more fascinating than mine is.”

“You really have no idea.”
