Title: Maybe tomorrow
Author: nixie noo
Pairing: Sara/Sofia
Fandom: CSI
Rating: R
Disclaimer: If I owned them then they would have their own mini series :) ...and they dont.
A.N. I wrote this a few days ago, I think I wanted to express the desperation felt when you can see someone falling apart. More so if this character is emotionaly supressed normaly. And so Sara excuses these actions on the account that she is doing what she has to do to ease sofias anguish... he he. there is a second part to this which I will post in a minute or two... Enjoy!


I cried, I never cry. If I do then I keep it absolutely personal. But, she had to come to me, like this lost puppy… she needed someone as much as I did, we were just filling a void that we both felt. I think I knew the moment I opened my door to her that it would end in that way, actually if it were anyone else at my door that night I’d probably of ignored them.

She had passed me a glass of water and my hands let it slip being to week, she took the glass before it had a chance to fall and placed it aside before steadying my hands in hers. Suddenly she was my balance… She told me it was ok, said that it wasn’t my fault, I wasn’t responsible. It wasn’t initiated by her, it was a question I had asked - “Stay with me tonight” - it made it easy for her to take me like that. She could see my anguish, my fight, the reason in my voice and somehow it led to a kiss.

And while she took me in her arms, she unexpectedly eased my pain, made my heart a little lighter. The kiss lasted a few minutes, and then it was to late to go back… Neither of us could deny it. I cried through it, while she shadowed me protectively below her, touching me fiercely. Her kisses wet and desperate, and for the first time I saw her and it released me free of myself even if only for a second.

She held me like a child stroking my hair away from my brow, telling me to rest, never moving while I slept. And the she did… She didn’t have to leave me there like she had, leaving things awkward, and deprived of any closure.

…It’s like that saying, you always want what you can’t have. We both understood , but now she is a spot light that follows me where ever I go, like something is expected but neither of us can deliver it. Even words are hard to form, and eye contact is to quick to get a glimpse of what I saw that night.

Maybe she is just scared, or embarrassed? I am…

Maybe if I cried, she’d come to me tonight? But I have and she hasn‘t…

Maybe If I just turned up at her door? I could…

No, it’s to late now...

Maybe tomorrow.


Next story in series - Maybe in the morning.