Title: Just Maybe
By: girlnorth
Pairing: Nick/Greg
Rating: PG
Series: 1) Smashed, 2) Loose Lips
Spoilers: Minor season 4
Disclaimer: Not mine
Challenge: Revelations
Word Count: 100, according to MS Word.
AN: This follows Loose Lips.


"Huh," Greg said as he watched Nick leave the break room. He didn't know what to make of the little conversation they'd just had. Greg may not have made CSI yet, but he was observant enough to notice Nick's look of panic when Greg told him what he'd said the night before.

He had just wanted to rag on Nick a little, but Nick's response was interesting, like he thought he'd really professed his undying love for Greg, and why would he ever think that? Unless... but Greg couldn't allow himself to think about unless, he couldn't afford to hope.


Next story in series - Found Out.